Best Light Show


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Was just curious, what is the best lighting show you have seen on a night out? Wether it be a gig, just a small club, or somewhere in between.

Something that has really made your jaw drop as thousands of lasers snake out across a room? That kind of thing. :)

I think mine has to be the lighting rig and Trance Energy last year, in the main room. Was absolutely amazing. Plus lots of pyrotechnics. Will find some youtube vids when I get home.
did anyone ever see the laser light display at the leicester square equinox club back in the late 90s? We would often go after work for late knockings, having poisoned ourselves at Mr Wu beforehand. You would walk in on a thursday night on one of those "entry £1 ONLY before midnight" flyers they handed out in the street and it would be you, your mate, and like 7 european tourists all standing there transfixed as the show started, usually with will smith's miami blaring out in the background. Amazing scenes.

these days, a lot of venues don't really bother anymore (I guess the big clubs still do) - although I do like strip lighting along floors and maybe the odd discreet strobe. minimal lighting in dark rooms is obviously a lot cheaper and less hectic.

the illuminated floor at the key was pretty legendary - like some mad gameshow meets twister - words cannot express how much I miss that place
Tribal Gathering '97...ridiculously brilliant production values.

Never seen anything on the scale of that since in the UK.
One Nation at the Temple in Tottenham many moons ago. I think the lasers were bouncing off the guns/knives in the arena giving it that extra effect lol
a "lightshow" was often a big part of a club nite out in the late 80's pre acid house days.

The whole dancefloor cleared and the lights all did their thing, on some type of moving contraption coming down to the floor. The Studio in Streatham had a particularly elaborate "arrangement". Or was I just imagining this.

Best lights I remember tho are the lasers that used to write in the air, I remember "Dance you f*ckers" ebeing a common one at some of the South London places I used to frequent early 90's, Tunnel Club, Albany Empire, Downham Tavern, Echoes etc etc.

I am showing my age I will shut up haha. :lol:
I really like those lanterns that float into the night sky at bestival and the big chill - sitting on the hillside with your mates on a warm night, watching that - just beautiful
Camden Palace used to have screens with a lazered running man, so you didn't forget how to do it!:lol:
The title of this thread has reminded me of American kid ravers talking about being 'given a light show'. Appears to involve someone waving glowsticks in your face when you're muntered. (And then touching you inappropriately if I've got that scene right:lol:)
At the time, this place had one of the most sophisticated lights shows in the North. It had "Spaceship" in the middle of the main dancefloor which can be seen in the video.

The place would go dark and the "Spaceship" would be lowered and a light show with lasers ensued, and then the dancing got serious (as seen in the video:)). It was quite a big deal in those days.

They used to have a "HOUSE" hour on a Saturday.
I was only 17 at the time and you had to be 21 to get in. My step brother knew one of the door staff so I was sorted.

The queues when the Hitman and Her were on the Saturdays were about 200m long. It was a massive night out at the time. Remember, this is when dance clubs were only just starting out and it was all that was available.
I hear the lights @ the Mint club in Leeds are pretty awesome ... much similar to Lightbox in London & Watergate in Berlin.
The title of this thread has reminded me of American kid ravers talking about being 'given a light show'. Appears to involve someone waving glowsticks in your face when you're muntered. (And then touching you inappropriately if I've got that scene right:lol:)

:eek: ROLMFAO:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I hear the lights @ the Mint club in Leeds are pretty awesome ... much similar to Lightbox in London & Watergate in Berlin.

They are, like d-edge in brazil too.

But really they're still just lights.

The etiene de crecy cube show however is next level, easily the best visuals I've ever seen in a club. YouTube vids don't do it justice.
The etiene de crecy cube show however is next level, easily the best visuals I've ever seen in a club. YouTube vids don't do it justice.
Seen it twice now (indoors and outdoors)
Best "live" DJ set ever!!! Groundbreaking stuff.
I hear the lights @ the Mint club in Leeds are pretty awesome ... much similar to Lightbox in London & Watergate in Berlin.

They are pretty amazing, went to Mint a few months ago for a DS night, and was well impressed.

What do you guys think of Deadmau5s cube, and his current light show?
I think that's pretty spectacular. The cost to see him, on the other hand, takes the biscuit.
The visuals at MegaDog at the Rocket back in the day are seared on my mind....

Manumission always had a feast for the eyes....