Benirras question....

S Express

New Member
Ok you experts...does anybody know how far out the big rock is from the beach at Benirras???

Because last summer me and 2 of the boys swam out to it - all the way around - and back. We were snorkelling, so were taking our time...but we worked out that we were in the water for about 2 and a half hours!!! 8O

was just trying to work out how far we swam. (obviously we had done it with no sleep the night before, like muppets!).
any ideas?
Having looked at photos taken from many different angles I would guess at somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2 a mile. Certainly no further.
the water at benirras gets steep pretty quickly. I remember thinking to myself that the beahc itself wasnt that impressing. Butthe location is fab!
Perfect for snorkelling though - even when you are about 3-400 metres out you can see the bottom still...about 60 feet deep....its the best snorkelling i have ever done in the med actually. Got followed by huge shoals of fish, saw squid and all sorts....

Gets a bit scary when you go out further though - the bottom just disapears...its like you are floating in outer space! :?

..and yes - the location is great. 8)