beer and ibiza related quiz


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a friend of mine has just returned from an afternoon sesh at the san jose beer and tapas fest.

he went with €40 and returned with €24.

a beer/wine and tapa was €2

the question is - should he return this evening for the night sesh and blow the lot?
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Is that a rhetorical question?

Is there any other choice?

(and ya... right... a "friend" :lol:)
hmm. i've got the windows open and 'funky town' just wafted in on the breeze from the village. should this have any bearing on his decision?
What! go out and miss Kirstie and Phil's perfect christmas on tv?

Thinking about it...suppose one could record it,then the evening wouldn't be a complete loss.
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yes i'm sure HE could record it. incidentally HE opined that only in ibiza could the council organise a festival on the pavement terrace of one of the bars involved - can xicu - and then organise for a bloke with a drill to be digging up the terrace at the same time.
omg. 'that's the way i like it, a-ha a-ha' is on and everyone is singing along!