Batman TDKR


Active Member
Who's seen it already?

Just back from the cinema feeling pretty let down. Without a review I will give it a 6/10.
Sorry to hear that.
I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
Although nothing could really live up to The Dark Night...
He sounded like a posh darth vader. First hour was guff then i was gripped, superb end to the trilogy.
Worth it for the final 20mins alone! :D

I agree about Hardy's voice though. And the plot is overly intricate in places.

However, i think this still stands up as the best all-round movie triology since Star Wars.

Well worthy of a second (and third) viewing though.

I loved The Dark Knight, and I thought Heath Ledger's turn as the Joker was a stroke of genius... Yet I strongly believe his premature passing has clouded people's judgment on the film. Batman Begins is better imho.

As a fan of the series I left feeling satisfied at the conclusion, the storyline didn't follow as I expected (which is a bonus in my book), all characters (minus Heath of course :() were brought back, even if for mere cameos and the action sequences had me gripped.

Also, I left the cinema gutted that the trilogy had finally ended.

So, all-in-all, box ticked!
Really really enjoyed it. thought it was on par with the Dark Knight actually.

Think they should have kept the original voice for Bane... maybe the Blu ray version will have his original voice actor.
Saw this last night. [Apologies if any of this classes as spoilers.:oops:]

In general I thought it was good, but it did feel really drawn out and bloated at times.

The main bones of the story are actually really good but in fleshing it out they've really over-egged the pudding for me. It's basically a huge combo of the first two films (with a **** load of heavy artillery) and I'm not sure it does any of the things that made the first two so great quite as well.

I know it's pointless saying it with Heath not being being with us anymore, but I would've loved to have seen the story stripped down a bit but then The Joker included in there somewhere. Two bad guys teaming up and eventually double crossing each other, with Batman's return out of nowhere would have been epic.

And what were the timings on that bomb all about? They didn't think that one through, did they? :lol:
I had a second viewing tonight. It has certainly boosted my opinion of the film.

I think that Hardy's portrayal of Bane is excellent. And I like the voice. I agree that it is still difficult to understand him in places (although I was extra alert on this occasion to listen carefully), but I believe the audio quality in this instance will actually be enhanced on playback through a TV as opposed to in the cinema.

I have to say that, personally, I am pleased that there was no Joker reference. Save from having him feature (which could only have realistically happened via unused footage/lookalikes/computer imagery - all of which would be pale substitutes), that story was wrapped up in the previous film.

This film wrapped-up all the remaining loose ends from the previous 2 films - The League of Shadows, Harvey Dents legacy. Including the Joker would have detracted from that.

No, the plot is not watertight - but name any film that is as intricately woven as this series that is.

I must congratulate Nolan for being one of the few filmakers of the modern era who agrees with the ethos that "less is more".

Other directors would have given the Joker an identify and explained his origins, or showed how Bane got his mask fitted. Nolan has let his audience interpret how they wish to fill-in the blanks. The best way.

No, I think this triology is about as close to perfect as you're gonna get to be honest.
i had a second viewing tonight. It has certainly boosted my opinion of the film.

I think that hardy's portrayal of bane is excellent. And i like the voice. I agree that it is still difficult to understand him in places (although i was extra alert on this occasion to listen carefully), but i believe the audio quality in this instance will actually be enhanced on playback through a tv as opposed to in the cinema.

I have to say that, personally, i am pleased that there was no joker reference. Save from having him feature (which could only have realistically happened via unused footage/lookalikes/computer imagery - all of which would be pale substitutes), that story was wrapped up in the previous film.

This film wrapped-up all the remaining loose ends from the previous 2 films - the league of shadows, harvey dents legacy. Including the joker would have detracted from that.

No, the plot is not watertight - but name any film that is as intricately woven as this series that is.

I must congratulate nolan for being one of the few filmakers of the modern era who agrees with the ethos that "less is more".

Other directors would have given the joker an identify and explained his origins, or showed how bane got his mask fitted. Nolan has let his audience interpret how they wish to fill-in the blanks. The best way.

No, i think this triology is about as close to perfect as you're gonna get to be honest.
