Bartender looking for a job




My name's Tom and I from Poland. I'm 23 years old and I'm looking for a summer job.In Poland I'm a bartender. I have 3 years experience in this professions. I worked in the small pub, discotheque, restaurants.I'm an energetic, entuhsiastic, sensible, sociable person.

If you are interested my offer please write me e-mail.

The only way to get a job in an Ibizan bar is to turn up and spend hours/days walking into every single bar you see and asking for work - my girlfriend and I got a 1 week holiday in San Antonio in 1997 and had about £200 between us. The tour rep said we had no chance because it was June and she said all the jobs would be taken...

After 2 nights we had both found empoyment and stayed for 3 months.

Seek and you shall find! Good luck.