Bank Holiday Weekend


Well-Known Member
So then ladies and Gentlemen... it's the bank holiday weekend! (Well, almost)

What is everyone's plans?
Just recovered from last weekend:oops:. Local tonight followed by a takeaway, Friday???, Sat - trip to Edinburgh to see Mano Le Tough & The Drifter, Sunday - write off, Monday - possible walk along the coast and get something to eat
Tonight - few beers post work and then maybe a bite somewhere.

Tomorrow - Lazy day, few beers in Camden and then Underworld at the Roundhouse...might be tempted to pop into Phonox on the way home and look in on Ben UFO

Saturday - Head down to Brighton, catch up with some friends and a few drinks round the lanes.

Sunday - still in Brighton, lunch with the in-laws.

Monday - More laziness/beers/lunch
Tonight - Peach at Koko (the old Camden Palace)
Tomorrow - Karaoke
Sat & Sun - Chill days
Monday - Easter lunch with parents
No bank holiday here as Orthodox Easter is still a month away!

Got invites to one of the Moscow Fashion Week runway shows tonight. I'm just in it for the models :lol:

Tomorrow and Sunday, the missus is taking me for a romantic getaway to St Petersburg :D
A gift for my birthday last week. We're going to the Faberge Egg museum, the first full-scale Frida Kahlo retrospective ever in Russia, some fancy place for dinner and a nightclub t.b.d. Also, apparently the hotel has champagne and caviar for Sunday breakfast 8)
It's work all weekend for me.
Bit of a pi$$er as there have been some cracking line ups. Ame and Dixon last night in Manchester, Circus daytime spesh in Liverpool with an unbelievable line up. Fed up to say the least. Think I'll drive down and join that girl in Cornwall.
Golf, running & more running for me.
Also gutted to be missing the decent events the NW has to offer this weekend.

See what I mean!:cry:
2 days in Dorset countryside.
Sunday chilling with the old man (cooked a mean rare Ribeye if i do say so myself)
monday lunch with a few pals then just chilling so fresh back at work tomorrow
Finally got low enough winds to try out my new toy on Friday straight onto the sea - fits easily in the boot of a hatchback and ready to roll in under 10 minutes from parking up :cool: :

Saturday gardening ( :) ), Sunday roast leg of lamb lunch through the storms and Monday catching up with my accounts ahead of the end of the tax year ( :rolleyes: ) .
Needed more time off.

Thursday: Peach at Koko. Amazing line. Headliner started about an hour and a half later than expected. Generally a messy one. Bottle of wine for £22 or two double vodkas and coke for £22... so opted for wine.

Friday: Karaoke, then friends came back to my place for a long, long day of drinks...

Saturday: Write off

Sunday: @Phil_Dicko asked me to help him move about half way through the madness on Saturday. So we did.
It involved a lot of destruction of furniture. Honestly. People using screwdrivers to dismantle shit. Takes too long. Just use brute strength if it's going to a tip :lol:
Discovered I had a knack for kicking a part furniture.

Monday: Family mean at one of the nicest pubs I've been to in years, in Woking, called the Cricketers Arms, with the family.