Bank Hol Weekend Plannage.....


Active Member
well, for those in UK it is anyway.....

quite a quiet one for me in prep for Ibiza....

Tonight - gym and then nothingness

Tomorrow - off to Blackburn to watch Blackburn v Everton, few beers after that

Sunday - BBQ for a mates birthday

Monday - a massive load of nothingness.

Rock and Roll
We don't get a bank holiday - not sure if it's just my workplace or Scotland as a whole.

Going out for a curry tonight with family, but that's about as exciting as it gets (though for a curry fiend I guess that is quite exciting...).

Otherwise a mix of more mindfulness stuff, hopefully some walking (should be some mushrooms out now?) and getting stuck into Dead Space 2 on the X-box.
Well here in the USA no bank holiday. There are huricane parties all over the place. I'm looking for a hotel now so I can get away from the storm. So this weekend I will like the Bee Gee's song "Stayin alive" have good peeps
Friday: 3.5 hours more of work to get through, then a 5 mile run, then home to pack.
Saturday: off to Ibiza for our second time this summer. Cannot wait!! 8)
We don't get a bank holiday - not sure if it's just my workplace or Scotland as a whole.

Going out for a curry tonight with family, but that's about as exciting as it gets (though for a curry fiend I guess that is quite exciting...).

Otherwise a mix of more mindfulness stuff, hopefully some walking (should be some mushrooms out now?) and getting stuck into Dead Space 2 on the X-box.

Scotland don't get one.

Tonight: Take away pizza or something
Tomorrow: laze about during the day, off out in to Leeds in the evening. Need to find somewhere to go, however.
Sunday: Recover, then go get the girlfriend from the train station
Monday: spend the day with the gf, and catch up with a mate who is at Leeds.
All that counts in my book from this 5 days off work for me is

Sunday: LAWLER, LAWLER, LAWLER, LAWLER!!! Cannot wait - sweaty warehouse shennanigans here I come!! 8)8)8)
Not been on the board for a dogs age or one reason or another.....

But my plans are:

Sat: SW4 for some, Tong/Zabelia/Vath/L&B action plus of course Underworld
Sun/Mon: Recovery and family time with wife and 2 yo son and a good old catch up with some old friends!!!

Last free holiday of the year, need to make the most of it.
Plannage?? Wool

Quiet one tonight a few glasses of red and a couple of cans of San Miguel.

Creamfileds tomorrow, where I'm going to party like a rockstar.

Sunday more Creamfileds rockstar partying.

Monday Matthew Street Fezzy.
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Fri-working till 0730 sat morning :(
Sat go to bed and get up around 1500. Family BBQ in the evening but think I'm giving it a miss as I can't talk to anyone there(in laws) and I'm still quite depressed with it being only 2 weeks since I was on Ibiza and it feels like I never went....I keep calculating the days, hours, seconds till 13th June when I return :D
Sun-go pub with some mates and watch forest destroy west ham 8) few beers and home early(in theory)
Mom-fak all gonna slug it all day listening to tunes might take kids somewhere if it stops raining long enough.

Tuesday night back in work.....sigh...,,it's a constant battle to get through each week at the min, I expect my hang over to go in another 2 weeks and I'll be back to normal :lol: one if the Ladd coming next year is like me and he's already dreading the month after 9.5 months early lol
Tonight - stay in (success) and return to uk sleep pattern (fail)

saturday - SW4! meeting early about 12/12.30 if i dont oversleep , probs miss loco dice at 1 but be in there bout 2ish.

sunday - attempting to go to Carnival tho im not sure what to expect this year plus depends on weather.

then try n spend as much time in the gym as possible untill thurs then its off to the white isle for 2 weeks!
This weekend it's Iftar feasts in the evenings as Ramadan is due to come to an end* with a smattering of pool days F1 and premiership football. All the games are live, even the 3pm Saturday stuff.

*Next week it's Eid al Fitr over here so Tue, Wed, Thu as public holiday which runs into the Fri Sat weekend.

All being well we've managed to do a cheap deal on a big old Dodge V8 truck so will be hitting the dunes with BBQ, bonfire & flaming torches.

Might go check out Nick Warren, LMFAO, 2Many DJs, Dale Anderson etc. etc. at Nasimi Beach Festival on the 30th too.

spending this weekend shopping for shorts, t-shirts and flip flops... when most shops have started their Autumn range :)
Today : Work followed by the footy (Liverpool V bolton) , then out for a friends b'day bash.

Sunday : Work again :spank: then chill by the pool and get some rays and attempt a run if not too hot

Have a great weekend everyone !!
Catching up:

Friday: Had new gym program which killed me and then an early night.

Saturday: Car repaired, F1 Qualifying and then Gym for program part 2 - Boxing then early night.

Sunday: Gym first thing and then up to Leeds for Circoloco 14 hour Garden Party - Party Party!

Monday: Get back home and rest ahead of Tuesday.
Friday -----work
Saturday------- work
Sunday ------- work

Oh the joys of being self-employed, and no boss to give me holiday pay :evil:
will be doing 12-14 hour shifts from now till we leave in 14days, got to get the extra money somehow, so I can leave extra money in the bank so we dont have to live on dry bread and water,for the 1st week we,re home, :lol::lol::lol:
But I will get Thursday off this week, as its my birthday,so the family are taking me out for a meal, yayyyyyyyyy
Sat - adventures with a lost car key at the beach claimed by the incoming tide no doubt (not my fault this time .. just my car :lol:)

Sun - packing and off to the airport to fly somewhere hot, sunny and very special indeed .. the deprivation finally got the better of me and I've weakened on my resolve not to travel in August

Mon - chilling and exploring my favourite place - then guess which old farmhouse at the runway's edge I'll be checking out later in the day ?

Tues - nah .. now way I'm getting home today

Weds - well, I've only just managed to get a seat home at less than the price of a second hand car. It's crazy busy so I'd better make that flight or there'll be all hell to pay .. and a very large bill :eek:

Bring it on !!!!
I've had a fairly quiet one so far just going to the gym and watching football.
Going for a round of golf soon followed by watching more football.

Then out with a few of the lads this eve.