Band Aid 20


Active Member
Will you be purchasing it?

I'm wondering what % of the profits will get to Africa. I'd hope it'll be 100% - can anyone confirm?

Heard it on Sky News this morning, it's quite a good remake I think and I'll buy cos it'll help keep the likes of Westlife etc off the xmas number 1 slot. :twisted:
I'll buy it for the sake of the charity and keeping X factor down the charts.

They have ruined a classic tune though, Will Young, Jamelia and the Darkness are shocking!!
Sorry if this is a bit controversial - and nothing against the worthy cause that the song supports but I couldn't listen all the way through it in the car this morning.

Too many people 'outsinging' their little bit by mis-timing the lyrics vs the tune. I got as far as that 'We gotta giv to da starvin' rap thing and reached for the off switch......

They should set up a paypal for those who want to donate without buying that crap.....
Jam Man said:
Sorry if this is a bit controversial - and nothing against the worthy cause that the song supports but I couldn't listen all the way through it in the car this morning.

Too many people 'outsinging' their little bit by mis-timing the lyrics vs the tune. I got as far as that 'We gotta giv to da starvin' rap thing and reached for the off switch......

They should set up a paypal for those who want to donate without buying that crap.....

I couldn't agree more :!:
I'll forgive em...if it raises the money!!

cause thats what it's for at the end og the day...they aint going for a mercury!!

p.s watched a documentary about the making of band aid 1 the other night and it was quite an eye opener.....lot's of "use of stimulants" in evidence, especially with staus quo & boy george!! :lol: