Balearic Mixes Wanted


Active Member
Been listening to a lot of Belearic lately fantastic stuff, can someone point me in the direction of some mixes i could download,cheers.:)
like chus & ceballos?d-formation?sergio fernandez?Sebastian gamboa?What are you calling balearic?
I would imagine the balearic sound... Electra, Izit, Cry Sisco etc...


Get a copy of Balearic Beats Volume 1, the best Balearic Complilation ever! Always one kicking about on ebay.

Also Classis Bealric Mastercuts, one for sale on ebay just now. Fantastic!!!

Jose Padilla early mixes are also good. There is a Radio One Mix from 1995 on There is also a Mike Pickering mix from the Hacienda from 88/89 that has some decent stuff. Enjoy!
I have a couple of CD's - Sunchild and Levation that originate from Ibiza. They are years old but capture the baleric ideal very well.

Levitation NEWS / Belgium - Cafe del Mar 4 +5 E / P / Pr / K
Sunchild NEWS / Belgium / Sony France / Virgin D E / P / Pr / K
I've made some Balearic chill mixes. They are up on my website and you can stream or download them.

Try the descanso sunset session in the features mixes area, and escapism in the slow mixes area.
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