balearic gangsters with style




Gin and Tonic?

Last week more details were released about the capture
of the infamous drug trafficker Barber Pons and his Ibicencan accomplice, Antonio Tur.
The operation, code-named Musenyes, had been ongoing for over a year
and the authorities had patiently waited for Pons to make his move.

Pons is well known to police and is actually quite a popular figure. Nicknamed "the gentleman", he has only ever dealt in marijuana and deems the trafficking of harder drugs such as heroin and cocaine as a somewhat dirty trade. He is a clever, calculating man who has a high moral code of practice and rarely commits errors.
Pons was born in Mao, Minorca, sixty years ago and has always been involved in the trafficking of illegal substances. He started with tobacco but soon moved to the more lucrative marijuana. At the end of the 90s he was caught off-loading 2,600 kilos of "chocolate" on his native island of Minorca; to that date the biggest haul ever recorded in the Balearics.
He served a prison sentence but was released two years ago. Since then he has been at the centre of a police investigation, waiting for him to make his next move.
He desperately needed the money, as he was used to the finer things in life and was not accustomed to the more moderate lifestyle his new found financial status required. :lol: 8) :twisted:

He contacted his old friend, Antonio Tur, and after many aborted attempts, eventually set sail for Morocco on board a fishing boat, unaware that he was being watched by police.
The journey had been meticulously planned and Pons, learning from previous mistakes, had even stopped using mobile technology, arranging the whole scheme via public telephones.

Ever the gentleman, when police boarded the boat,
Pons came out with the immortal line,
"Would anyone like a drink?"