Bad Reactions to Mozzie bites... Help!


Active Member
Any helpful hints with this subject?

Phil suffers really badly with Mosquitoe bites - his arms and legs swell up on initial bite and its like his arms suddenly retain water around the bite site, with a massive hard lump in the middle - quite horrid to look at and itchy as hell. I dont get bitten but he suffers every year and we normally have to go to a chemist and get some antibiotic cream for him, along with anti histamines.

We buy the recommended sprays/creams containing DEET and the usual anti histamine drugs over the counter here and take them with us, but I wondered if anyone has a better solution, is there anything he can do before the holiday to make the bites less of a pain than they are, I am frightened they get infected or something when he is out there so really just looking for any ideas (no matter how bizarre) on avoiding the trauma for him ...
Ive been told that mossies dont like some ingredient in tonic water so if you like a cheeky gin and tonic that might work! Also a teaspoon dipped in boiling water and placed on the bite stops itching!
If you try Piriton and Vitamin B (12 I think) for a week before you go it should work. I got eaten alive two years ago and was in a lot of pain. Tried this last year and it worked a treat.

I had to take the piriton before bed though as it made me really sleepy. It's better than having scabby legs though!

Hope it works for you...
If you try Piriton and Vitamin B (12 I think) for a week before you go it should work. I got eaten alive two years ago and was in a lot of pain. Tried this last year and it worked a treat.

I had to take the piriton before bed though as it made me really sleepy. It's better than having scabby legs though!

Hope it works for you...
Do you mean you got bitten a lot less?
If you try Piriton and Vitamin B (12 I think) for a week before you go it should work. I got eaten alive two years ago and was in a lot of pain. Tried this last year and it worked a treat.

I had to take the piriton before bed though as it made me really sleepy. It's better than having scabby legs though!

Hope it works for you...

This also worked for my sister but I beleive she was told to take them for four weeks prior to holiday