Bad/Funny things you have done to mates for a laugh,


Active Member
After reading I-Spy`s post on though I would start a thread on Bad / Funny / Stupid things that have been done to mates all in the name of grin, Please add yours,:D

It was a new years day afternoon in our local pub some 20 ish years ago, there was 4 or 5 of us that had been on the Stella "for a good while", One of the guy`s was supposed to meet his posh girlfriend parents for the first time and go to a play in London that the farther had composed the music for IIRC, Anyway very prim and proper, He made the mistake of falling asleep, The normal forfeit for falling asleep on a session being an eyebrow at the time, The barman duly provided the razor and as it was new years day a bonus of a good marker pen, 1 eyebrow, glasses , cats whiskers etc and if I remember not a very nice word on his forehead later, The Range rover turns up at the pub, we wake him quickly, make him finish his pint (That we had rinsed razor in) and he runs out and jumps in car.
He didn`t see her again and was not a very happy bunny about that one :D
