BacktoBasics leaves Rehab


New Member
This was announced on Xmas Day, but I only heard about it in today's PLAY Music mailout.

Dave and Vicki Beer and the Back To Basics Family said:
Hi there Friends and Basics' faithfulls
Thanks for a great year.

This is gonna come as a bit of a surprise.....('').

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Basics will no longer be held at REHAB. Last Saturday was the last Basics to be held In REHAB...If you were lucky enough to be there for James Zabiela you'll know we went out with a bang!!-a legendary night which will now go down in clubland folklore.
I'm afraid while you guys have been dancing your butts off and helping create some nights we will never forget..... but behind the scenes we have been dogged with internal disputes with our partners. For a longtime and having difficulties ( Explaining my occasional sulky face and stresshead apearance]('') Despite all our efforts to overcome these problems we have now reached stalemate and have been left with no other choice but to pull out of the venue. This is something which really hurts me as i invented the whole concept to give you and Leeds something to be proud of.So our staff all the loyal Basics resedents and me and Vic gave it everything our shirts,our hearts and souls to try to create something special. But I'm afraid we feel we've been shafted..... Not the for the first time (but hopefully for the last!!) But as they say "That doesn't kill you can only make you stronger!!"


As you know Basics has launched and been homed in several different venues over the last 14 years all having their own unique identities and all have been special in their own way.So historically we've moved venues every 3-4 years anyway purposefully to keep things exciting and keep the vibe alive....So maybe this unsolveable disagreement might have happened to us for a reason I believe nothing in life is purely coincidence and believe you should always look to get the positive out of the negative!! Even in the sh*t times and What goes around comes around!!

"So here's to a fresh start and a new chapter in the in the history of the chaotic wonderful world of Back To Basics....." YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD CLUB DOWN"

As many of you will know we have always been involved in The Peephouse a venue that has never been given the full attention its needed to reach it's total potential.The club has always since the beginning had a place in our it has in many of yours...I fell in love with it the very first time i walked in the gaff its always had a vibe of it's own. A propper underground club' housing true underground nights such as Madhatters, Rude Not 2, Superconductor, Ibiza's We love Electric Ladyland and the amazing TOGETHER parties where all the Leeds promoters and clubs came together for charity and create two of the best parties Leeds has seen in years. But the club has always been short of larger main room to house some of the bigger acts..Although Laurent Garnier,Mark farina and Andy Weatherall say its one of thier favorite places to play.
So YES-if you've not already cut to the chase....the plan is to refurb The Peephouse in January including a total lay-out change to create the main room it's always needed. All other nights in Jan at the Peephouse will run as normal and basics at the peephouse will re-open in February- losing the name' The Peephouse ' (which through no fault of it's own had a certain stigma attached which is now to be rectified).....under the new name "MY HOUSE" ......and will be the new home of Back To Basics


It's time to get Back To Basics and do what we do best!!!
House Music All Night Long
Keep the Faith
Here's to a bright and better future


The party's at "MY HOUSE" February 2006. Helping us move in home...

Basics will be touring Asia and Australia throughout January and will be hosting a series of large one-off parties so onwards and upwards and business as usual.

Forever yours

Dave and Vicki Beer and the Back To Basics Family x

The first proper Back II Basics night will be on Sat 11th Feb with Felix The Housecat.

Stinky's Peephouse is a really cool venue. It'll be interesting to see what it's like after the refurb. I did like Rehab but I prefer Stinky's, and overall I prefer small venues.
Sounds good, I'll need to pay Basics a visit again sometime soon. Any pictures of The Peephouse so I can get an idea what My House is gonna be like?