Back in the swing of things

Mark Sun

Active Member
Hi everyone, just wanted to say a quick hi, as I've been back for a few weeks now.. or actually more like a month and a half, time flies in London innit!

Had a brilliant time on my travels and just settling back into a long-ish term contract, which has been great so far (though very busy).

Hope everyone is cool, hope to be back and posting here a bit more often 8)
who are you again? :?:lol:

i'll give you another 6 weeks before you decide "why the hell i came back to this godforsaken country" and be off again on your travels!

WB by the way ;)
Hi everyone! GF when did you start coming back here?! Emma, I think a full report of 5 months of skiving would be self indulgent even for me ;)
Hey Marky!!

Funny I just this morning I was wondering what you're up to. Figured you had to have been back in the UK by now.
Hey John, back in the UK soon? SW4 tickets go on sale in a week ;)

GF, think I'm doing closing parties this year, need some time to replenish the finances!!
who are you again? :?:lol:

i'll give you another 6 weeks before you decide "why the hell i came back to this godforsaken country" and be off again on your travels!

WB by the way ;)


Don't think i know you, But Hello anyway :lol:

Where did you go travelling?

Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, ARgentina, Australia, Singapore and Thailand :)

Hi Mark :),

Very jealous of all your travels!

Where's the next big adventure?

Nothing planned yet, a couple of short trips over to Spain are all that's booked currently.. Thinking of snowboarding in Japan next year but that's a while a way!

welcome back Mark

Thanks dude, good to be back (kind of)

Mark Sun!! You're from my spotlighter's generation!! :lol: Wellcome again... ;)
Gracias chico ;) Voy a tener un nuevo 'mix' para tu pronto, talvez proxima semana :)

Yo FB buddy - fab photos by the way.... 8)
Hoorah thanks PL :D

watcha marky! :D
Aiiiight :)
Hey John, back in the UK soon? SW4 tickets go on sale in a week ;)

GF, think I'm doing closing parties this year, need some time to replenish the finances!!
I am over later this month, since you asked! Would be good to grab a beer and hear stories of your travels. We can compare notes on Argentina.

We're looking at doing closings this year as well. Need to firm up those plans sometime soon although I think after London I'll have just enough frequent flyer miles for 2 tickets to Spain 8)
Welcome back.

If you'd be so kind, I'd be very grateful for some advice on Ecuador, Peru and, especially, Argentina as I'm heading off to South America for a year in September.