Baby listerning facilities in Apartments/Hotels in San Antonio


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Baby listerning facilities in Apartments Sol Bahía, San Antonio


We stayed in Apartments Sol Bahía, San Antonio a few years ago and now want to return with our 1 year old Boy.

The only thing we can't find out is if they have any "Baby listerning facilities"

I can't find an email adress for them to find this out. Dose anyone know how I can get in touch with them?


Dose anyone know of a hotel with "Baby listerning facilities" in San Antonio?
We prefer the smaller, quieter places.

what do you mean listerning??:? :?

do you mean listening??

if so, i've not come across this particular service.

saying that though, a few years back in the smallish hotel we stayed in we could have a drink in the hotel bar and (using a mobile monitor) still be able to hear what was going on in the room. (as the monitor worked within a certain range, which we were within).

not sure how possible this would be in a bigger hotel like Bahia.
My Mum and Dad used have a hotel and they used to offer a “Baby listening” service (a bit like baby sitting).

They would do it through the bedroom phones to reception so the parents could put the kids to bed and go out (For a meal, show or around town). If the kids wake up crying in the night the parents could be contacted (By phone) to come back to the hotel to sort the kids out.


When I was a kid and we went to Spain on holiday, in some hotels they would have one member of staff that if you told and paid reception they would check your room from outside every 30 mins.
Sounds a bit dodgy that Pete, I couldnt imagine leaving my little kids in the apartment whilst going out on the town or even just to the local restaurant for a meal.

I would be too worried if anything happening such as a breakin, fire or whatever?8O
My Mum and Dad used have a hotel and they used to offer a “Baby listening” service (a bit like baby sitting).

They would do it through the bedroom phones to reception so the parents could put the kids to bed and go out (For a meal, show or around town). If the kids wake up crying in the night the parents could be contacted (By phone) to come back to the hotel to sort the kids out.


When I was a kid and we went to Spain on holiday, in some hotels they would have one member of staff that if you told and paid reception they would check your room from outside every 30 mins.

neither option is foolproof although the first sounds slightly better. saying that tho, i couldn't imagine myself straying too far if anything were to happen.

the 2nd option is shocking, you are basically depending on human action and remembering to do it every 30 mins, which IMO is useless anyway. what if something happens just after a check, another (up to) 30 mins is a long time to wait until the next check and then you'd have to get back from wherever you where.

from my own experiences also, it doesn't matter how settled the routine is at home, when on holiday with really young kids, nights are very disrupted (heat, hotel noise, lack of familiarity/sleep associations, kids minds' racing cos of busy/exciting daytime, etc, etc). so basically you can't depend on them sleeping as well as they do at home (if they actually do sleep well at home!)
Good points:!:

So (as we are new pairents) what dose everyone ells do when they put the kids to bed at 7pm?

Don't get me wrong, our boy is our world.
unfortunately, late night boozy holidays and little children dont go too well together. When my little girl was a baby, we took her out with us to restaurants etc but had a reclinable pushchair/pram with us so she went to sleep, we had all the bits of stuff we needed if she awoke. It didnt stop us going out for meals, having a few quiet drinks etc but obviously meant that clubbing or rowdy places were out of the question. to be honest, just a peaceful drink on the apartment balcony was a welcome relief at the end of a tiring day!!
Top idear!
All we want to do is have a few quiet drinks down at Sunset strip and perhaps a meal at Villa Mercedes. We’re not into all night beer sessions in the west end.