BA flights


Active Member
I looked into booking a flight from Gatwick to Ibiza return but couldn't get the outbound flight i wanted, so i tried to book just the return fare which you can't do over the net but you can over the phone.

outbound on the next best day & return =£71+taxes
return flight with an outbound flight =£22 +taxes

Phoned BA to book return only flight =£456+taxes!!!!!!!!

i queried this with BA but this is the best they can do! when i said what if i book a return and don't turn up for the outbound only the inbound, they said that would be defrauding the company and was not allowed!

Truly amazing....Thank god i sold my BA shares years ago.
Sorry to say but unless you are a citizen of the country you are flying into you can't get a oneway.....what you can do is book the return flight you need with a fake flight back to the island that you're not gonna use...that is not legal either but they don't need to know and you get to take advantage of the roundtrip rates which are always better than oneways!
I work for the airline myself and have to explain this to people all day long!
Sorry to say but unless you are a citizen of the country you are flying into you can't get a oneway.....what you can do is book the return flight you need with a fake flight back to the island that you're not gonna use...that is not legal either but they don't need to know and you get to take advantage of the roundtrip rates which are always better than oneways!
I work for the airline myself and have to explain this to people all day long!
if you are in the EU then i dont think that this is the case because you can buy single tickets with the budget airlines, with the other airlines they have always had this system. I got a return with BA for £110 but got quoted over £300 for a single!!!
Yes...true about budget airlines...but they are in a different category than airlines such as BA...the thing is BA is a scheduled airline where as many other UK/ European carriers are chartered; they do not offer yearly schedules on many of their routes and are season specific...because of this, legally they are entitled to sell really really cheap fares and oneways (within Europe and UK only)because the structure of the two companies is very different as far as costs are concerned...There is a lot of confusing backround stuff that doesn't really make sense, but at the end of the day, if you want to fly a major/national carrier the only way you can get a one way is if you are willing to pay an arm and a leg for it.....big pain in the a** but unfortunately the way it goes! ;)