BA - Charges and taxes


Active Member
Government, authority and airport charges Per adult
Departure Charge - Spain EUR5.10
Security Tax - Spain EUR3.84
Air Passenger Duty - United Kingdom EUR16.10
Passenger Service Charge - United Kingdom EUR38.27
Total government, authority and airport charges* EUR63.31

British Airways fees and surcharges Per adult Per child
Fuel Surcharge EUR84.00
Total British Airways fees and surcharges EUR84.00

Total taxes, fees and surcharges per person EUR147.31

Their quoted base fare is €148, add on the charges and taxes and the cost doubles.

How the heck can they have a base fare that does not include fuel?:lol::lol:

(This is return London/ Ibiza btw)
I flew with BA home from Ibiza and booked via ebookers and it wasn't that expensive compared to other flights...still beats ryan airs stupid fairs and extras!
I flew with BA home from Ibiza and booked via ebookers and it wasn't that expensive compared to other flights...still beats ryan airs stupid fairs and extras!

Agreed, we flew BA to Ibiza in September, way better service than the Ryanair mob and not much difference in price everything considered.
I work in business travel and a lot of the airlines have the fuel surcharge as an extra tax. Some include it in the fare but believe me it's always in there somewhere with every single airline.
Agreed, we flew BA to Ibiza in September, way better service than the Ryanair mob and not much difference in price everything considered.

After Ryan air were the biggest nobs ever to me when I originally tried to fly back I purposely flew back with BA even though it meant a 6 hour delay in Gatwick before a connecting flight to Manchester...Hell of a long journey home but even the little things like polite staff made such a huge future when any other option presents itself I wont fly with Ryan Air.
US airlines have to include all these fees & charges in the quoted price now. I hope the practice spreads worldwide!!

Imagine if every item you bought in the store had transport, labor, electricity, VAT, etc. added on when you got to the cashier. There'd be a riot!
I flew back with Ryanair in September. Don't really like them but they were the only option I could find to get me back on the Tuesday. It was absolutely fine though as I more or less passed out the second I got in the seat and then woke up once we landed back in Liverpool so I could have been flying with anyone
US airlines have to include all these fees & charges in the quoted price now. I hope the practice spreads worldwide!!

Imagine if every item you bought in the store had transport, labor, electricity, VAT, etc. added on when you got to the cashier. There'd be a riot!

Grr dont get me started on this - how the hell can airlines still be doing this its crazy??

I always think just piss me off in the beginning - dont let me think i am getting a deal that slap on another £90 at the end of random stuff - tell me outright how much the cost is :spank: