Awesome swimming pools


Well-Known Member
I'm not normally one for swimming pools .. but this one is so amazing I think I'd be straight in ..

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surbiton lagoon is legendary, spent many a summer day there in the school holidays, even used to walk from worcester park as a 10 year old, it was a long way but worth it
after they closed surbiton we moved on to guildford, back in that recession and having just left school I and most of my friends were able to gain entrance for around 40p for a day if we had a UB40...many a nice day spent doing sod all.

Guildford is still open and suggest to all with time to burn this summer, get down there!
Surbiton Lagoon is definately a legend around our parts. As soon as the sun came out we all used to bunk off school (Southborough Boys) and spend the afternoon down there.
It got to a point where the deputy headmaster used to come down in the school mini bus and round everyone up to take them back.
The water was always freezing.
There is a Facebook page dedicated to it.
It is now a housing estate.
I was a challoner boy, always got caught bunking off cos it was so small a school.
Do you remember those green filled honeycomb chocolate bars they sold at the lagoon, never seen them anywhere else!