Average spend


New Member
Just out of curiosity wandering what peoples average spend was in any 1 day. Trying to decided wether to sell my remaining kidney b4 hitting the island lol.
Just out of curiosity wandering what peoples average spend was in any 1 day. Trying to decided wether to sell my remaining kidney b4 hitting the island lol.

Its a personal thing really. If one drinks Lidl Vodka and coke at the rocks on the sunset strip (obviuosly leaving all the empties behind) and then drinks in the west end where you will get 241 and a free shot and you have a "Kebap" en route to your free entry to Es Paradis then your spend might be about 30 euros a day.

If you like to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner at reasonable gaffs, enjoy an afternoon tipple and alternate between expensive and no expensive club nights then I would say 130 euros per day.

If you are a serviceman/person on leave from war then you might spend up to 1000 euros a day on all manner of entertainment.

If you have one of those big yachts that look like Navy battleships then you will spend very little as you can make your own sandwiches and drinks to take out.
Just out of curiosity wandering what peoples average spend was in any 1 day. Trying to decided wether to sell my remaining kidney b4 hitting the island lol.

I was out with a stag party yesterday who have spent an average of 300 euros each per day (and that was before the strip clubs). I personaly live on about 20-30 euros per day including rent and cigarettes :)
I normally budget about £100-£150 per day and if i have a couple of quieter nights then i have more to spend. I say all that but usually come home and find ive used my credit or debit card when mashed and forgotten about it 8)
Iv just got back never been ibiza before and i,ll never go anywhere again for a party holiday, Immense is an understatment. I only went for 4 days and spent 1400, worth every penny going back in august because iv got seriously holiday blues since being back
Usually budget around 100-120Euro a day when all inclusive, and around 160-180 Euro a day when self catering :)
Self catering at Jet apartments in august and have 1800Euro for 10 days.
I budget €100 per day. Some days I'll spend about €30, others I'll spend €160, so it all balances out.
I budget €100 per day. Some days I'll spend about €30, others I'll spend €160, so it all balances out.
Similar. I budget €150/day. Some days I could hit 200 but other days only spend 100.
This is including usually one nice restaurant meal a day.
Similar. I budget €150/day. Some days I could hit 200 but other days only spend 100.
This is including usually one nice restaurant meal a day.

We normally self cater, and I don't buy anything but a bottle of water in the clubs.
We normally self cater, and I don't buy anything but a bottle of water in the clubs.
It's a question of what you can afford, of course, but I'm a firm believer in getting out to try the island's restaurants. I've had some amazing meals, especially the last 3-4 years or so when I've prepared lists of interesting places to try all over the island.
I took 1100 euros in June and it was gone after a 5 days :( Not sure how as I was convinced I had only spent half but the first 4 days of non stop excessive everything makes sense. Spent another 400 or so euros so 150 a day for 10 days. Mrs wasnt too pleased when I got back and told her :lol:
If I go for a week I tend to take about £1000. If there for 2 weeks about £1500 because ill have a few more chilled nights in 2 weeks.
After being so ill from being out pretty much every night last year ive decided on doing 3 club nights in 1 week this year and spending the rest of my time eating and drinking in nice restaurants and enjoying the island rather than dying and struggling to even put a grape in my mouth.
I went for 7 nights all inclusive and with 2 club tickets already bought online and spent about £700

done 4 club nights so 2 extra tickets bought

It really does depend on yourself, and what you do. you could spend 30 euros or 300 euros a day