ATMs in Playa Den Bossa


Active Member
I'm heading over to stay in D'en Bossa in a few weeks and will be putting my money on one of those travel cards. I've done this just about every time I've been to Ibiza and had no problem getting cash, but I've always stayed in San Antonio. I was just wondering, are there plenty of ATMs in Playa D'en Bossa, so I don't have to worry about getting cash out?
There's plenty of ATM's in PDB, whether they'll have any cash in them is another matter.
it's ok, i've found a couple of banks pretty close by. i think it will be fine as long as there are a couple of banks, just in case the other cash machines are empty.
I've stayed in PdB each year since '04 and I've never had a problem of them running out of cash. I suppose it's down to luck!

There are plenty of machines around so I wouldn't worry.

However, I have seen one of them out of order on occasion.