dam0 said:
What about his remix of motorcycle?
same again, unimginative and unneccesary, tbf his remixes do border on ok, but usualy thats cos he is remixing good tracks ie motorcycle and iio rapture but he does spoil the tracks by not really doing much too them apart from sticking a huge synth line or three on them, which isnt what i am into any more.
3 years ago i think he was really good, probably cos he was one of few really euphoric djs about whilt most trance djs started playing harder but now his sound is 10 a penny and he hasnt really moved on as a dj or a producer.
as a producer i'd say he is much worse probably from dust.wav he hasnt done anything of really quality and everything has just sounded really cheesy.
as a dj his sound hasnt changed either which is fair enough but he isnt even experimenting within that, he must get loads of new tunes and the tls from asot always look quite good, but his dj set tl'salways looks stale and unimaginative. and now he has started playing acapellas over everything its gone even worse.
i think maybe 3 years ago when he was less well known he was alot more thoughtful in what he did but since his explotion in popularity it looks like he just plays the safe crowd pleasing set, which as i said b4 is now 10 a penny.
its a shame cos he was one of my fave trance djs aswell.