Are the closing partys getting later in the year?


Active Member
Are the closing partys getting later in the year :?:

A lot of places are stating early October for the closing partys this year.
I seem to remember several years ago nights were finnishing late augst.

I know LMFAO and Don't Let Daddy Know have stopped their nights at Privilege last week.

Have they pulled out too soon as other nights seen to have longer season :?:
LMFAO & the artists at Don't Let Daddy Know are at the very commercial end of the scale. The promoters are only going to see a return on their investment at peak season when the island is not only busiest, but when the younger (less informed, shall we say :lol:) crowd are there.

Season is slightly longer this season, by a week. The local authorities are pushing for a longer "disco season" in general, and with this year being a leap year and having an extra weekend so to speak it presented the ideal opportunity to test the water.

It's the same parties that are running late though, with the usual big closings in the right places.

No real word yet on whether the extra weekend has been a pro or con as far as the clubs are concerned, but due to them having greviances with other establishments "operating as clubs", they are threatening to in fact cut back in future years.

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