April Fools


Active Member
Anyone been subjected to any of these?

I read one in The Sun today that was also featured on GMTV - both are known for doing them - but this is surely a joke....the French president is having an operation to stretch him :lol:

Then my friend decided to pretend she had handed her notice in because they were about to sack her anyway & that she was looking up flights to jet to Australia.

Yeah Tech Support got me this morning when they told me they no longer "supported" networked printers - bastard let me vent my spleen for a few minutes before I realised he was sniggering away.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
My friend wanted to get someone with the Mr C Lion thing - tell someone a Mr C Lion from a sealion sanctuary phoned..........Im just not sure I know many people that would buy that.......:lol:
my buddy's wife got him pretty good today, told him that she took 1000 (u.s) dollars out of their savings to pay for a new purse..... had him going for about 45 minutes before she admitted it was an april fools gag! man he was so pissed! as for me, no one has played any pranks on me or anything.... guess im not cool enough lol thank god!
Its official - I am old!!


Just had a colleague admire a top I am wearing on a photo of a night out and she asked where I got it - I said Top Shop, she complimented me again on said top. Another colleague who was looking at same photos said "Top Shop!!!! you still buy clothes at Top Shop?????? I said "yes I do purchase items from Top Shop, in fact I will buy clothes from anywhere if I like the item in question - why?"

She replied, "I am just surprised that someone of your age you can find stuff that suits you from places like Top Shop......"

So now I am feeling like "Funk you - you cheeky cow - just cos you look like my mother when you are only 5 years old than me" (but secretly I am a bit worried I am a bit "mutton dressed as lamb too .......") :oops::?:lol::lol:

Bitch has properly spoilt my day now.....:spank:
i text my pal yvonne that id been arrested for being over the limit on the way into work

she just got the message 5 minutes ago and phoned me in a state of distress


Just had a colleague admire a top I am wearing on a photo of a night out and she asked where I got it - I said Top Shop, she complimented me again on said top. Another colleague who was looking at same photos said "Top Shop!!!! you still buy clothes at Top Shop?????? I said "yes I do purchase items from Top Shop, in fact I will buy clothes from anywhere if I like the item in question - why?"

She replied, "I am just surprised that someone of your age you can find stuff that suits you from places like Top Shop......"

So now I am feeling like "Funk you - you cheeky cow - just cos you look like my mother when you are only 5 years old than me" (but secretly I am a bit worried I am a bit "mutton dressed as lamb too .......") :oops::?:lol::lol:

Bitch has properly spoilt my day now.....:spank:

She sounds jealous. And a div.

You can never be mutton dressed as lamb in Topshop, they do such a variety of different stuff. Its not like your sitting there in a miniskirt with everything hanging out. Is it?!?!

i text my pal yvonne that id been arrested for being over the limit on the way into work

she just got the message 5 minutes ago and phoned me in a state of distress


Oh my god. I have so got to do this one on my way home.
To the boyfriend. Ha ha. :p
Steph, if she wants to look old before her time, let her. You never look owt but class when you come out.

She only said that anyway cos the last time she went into Top Shop was 25 years ago.
She sounds jealous. And a div.

You can never be mutton dressed as lamb in Topshop, they do such a variety of different stuff. Its not like your sitting there in a miniskirt with everything hanging out. Is it?!?!


Well, actually......

Nah - fully covered at work. ;)
Yeah agree - that must be it.... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

what a cow of a thing to say to someone tho BUT its a really good put down tho - might have to file that one away for future use to an enemy...:lol::lol::lol:

I might start dressing at Tammy Girl next week..... :lol::lol::lol:
Swarm of rare jellyfish to invade shore of Ibiza
by Abha Malpani Apr 1st 2008 @ 12:20PM

About half a million, blue-green color jellyfish are expected to hoard in
this summer along the coast of Ibiza, Spain's most popular Balearic Island.
The blue-green color of the jellyfish is owed to their consumption of sea algae,
resulting in them being almost invisible to the naked eye.
These jellyfish are a rare breed that only surface (if at all) in leap years.

For travelers planning a trip to Ibiza this summer, not to worry,
the jellyfish are not poisonous and do not bite.
In fact, it is known to be pleasurable swimming with them
as you feel them subtly tingle against your body. :lol:

Also, these are probably the only type of jellyfish in the world that are edible
and have aphrodisiac properties.
Sweet and acidic in taste, they are served with ice-cream as a rare dessert
delicacy of the islands. :lol:
Looking over someones shoulder in the workshop today at the Scottish Sun, saw that they have unveiled plans to re-name Glasgow Airport "John Smeaton International Airport". Went on a rage fuelled rant, going so far as to say I was cancelling my flights to Ibiza and would rather go via Coventry (again)...it was round about lunchtime I realised it was the 1st today...It better be a joke....