Apartments above Kanya


New Member
helllloooo party ppl :)

hope u all doing well, and having a smooth life..

wanted to ask if anyone know the name of the apartments above Kanya? or how to book ?


thxxx yo'all ;)
McRackin said:
not finished yet.....


thx McRack!

here's another one, how about the apartments above Savanah, or any of the other sun set bars ?

would love to stay there this summer..!
or of course theres Catalina apartments which are above savahnna, theres alink on this website to them.
Mr S

I have just received an email from UpHospitality in Ibiza offering cheap hotels - not really looked at it yet but it says Catalina from 12€ a night...... pm me if you want me to forward the email to you.
sure thing puppylove! pm on its way... thx!

i read from the canadakid review, that they got robbed realllly bad at thouse apartments :S duno about if i wana stay there now or not! im looking to stay @ PDB! but its fulllll :(