Apartment to rent in June 08?!?!


New Member
Am heading out on the 8th of June, Cant wait but startin to get a bit scared cos i dnt have any idea where to start lookin for accomodation! thinkin of just booking an apartment for the first wk or 2 n then lookin for permanent accomodation while im out there!?! sound like a plan? i need help! lol!
does anyone know of any websites i could look on just now to try n find something in advance!!?
any advice wld be great!

im the same!!! i head out on the 23rd of may for a holiday first but would love to just have somethin sorted already rather than panickin about not havin anywhere to stay when my time in the hotel is up lol
hello, i need to find also an apartment to rent for a month in june.
i cant find anywhere decent(on the internet) to book apartments early.
probably best to get a weeksholiday and then search when out there.
if anybody in in the same boat, get in contact!! :lol:


Hey all. I'm going to be in Ibiza for July - possibly before that. I'm looking to find a room/apartment - if anyone is interested in sharing and organizing something let me know.

I'm a 20something girl from Canada - going to be here for a month, maybe more - and when I leave maybe someone else can take over a lease? If we didn't get a lease, perhaps share the cost of another location.

It seems really expensive to rent rooms, so this seems like a viable option for me...
