Apartment booked for period to find work - Let me know if your looking to share ;)


New Member
Hey All,

Just booked apartment in San for 2 weeks from 25th May!!!..hoping that will give me time to find a job etc!!.. Cant wait!...let the madness begin :)

Im a 23 year old chick from Glasgow, going on my own. If anyone is looking for a bed around that time let me know :)
hiya pacha! happy new year!!

only 4 months til ibiza now!! wooo!!

going on 2nd may as u know- so will already be there by time u get there. gettin a spanish sim soon so i'll give u my number n we'll meet up when u get there n we'll go out get wrecked :)

cunningham ali, u can get spanish sims on ebay for about a tenner! i am gettin mine before I go, its gotta be easier to meet up with ev1 if we have swapped no's before hand i guess!

L xX

heya im lookin to work in ibiza this year and will b goin on my own. im available to go out from 17th may so fits in well with ur timing. im 21 girl from essex and this will b my first time workin abroad but im really up for it and mayb we could go lookin for jobs together.
email me at maiakennedy@hotmail.com if ur interested!!
Hi im wanting to go out this year myself for work!

Ive been to ibiza 3 years in a row now and would love to spend the full summer working over there this year!

I could go out anytime in may.:)
Hiiiiii everyone!

its january!! how close is it til we go away!! can't wait! Got a maaassssiiivveee suitcase for chrimbo so i have plenty of room for all the millions of clothes i'll have to bring for 5 months :)

did everyone have a good New Year? Mine was ok pretty average really but hopefully havin a mad summer will make up for it!

Are most ppl staying in San An?

i think most people are staying in san an, but not me...........i cant wait either, and its not even long till we go, i am buying loadsa clothes at the moment, i need a massive suitcase too....i cant think about anything else at the moment, i am so excited but really scared at the same time, i am going mid april..............
Hiya cunninghamali....is your name ali?

Where u from? its all i can think about at mo too! its soo sooo soo close now isn't it!! are you stying in ibiza town? what sort of work you doing? (sorry for the million questions!)

Think we all need to arrange a big night out for when we all get there! :)
hi heathmanxminx, no my name is natalie cunningham, when i came back from ibiza in sept. i met this PR guy called ali and i couldnt think of another username at the time, i know sounds weird doesnt it, wish i used something else now, i am really excited but quite scared, may have two mates going they say they are but to be honest when it gets to april i think they may bow out, but we will see..........are u staying in san an, yes i am staying in playa den bossa, cause of the beach and want to work in ibiza town, my mate knows the mgr of pacha so may try there waitressing, i am fom bham, where u from?? a night out when we all get there will be amazing....
ibiza! 07

hey everyone! i'm kim, im 21 and im planning on going out to ibiza in may07 as well 2 work, been twice 4 holidays and absolutley loved everything about the island. pacha how diid u get ur accomodation? is it just normal holiday accomodation cos ive been looking on the net and cant find anything to rent for workers.

Where have you guys manage to already book your flat ?

I Haven t manage to find any good link in this website. Only to buy a house :rolleyes: .

Any given adress will be welcome.

I m frensh 22 and would like to work here for my summer. Already been in ibiza once and it dosen t seem hard to find a job. I ll be on my own so it would be cool to rent it with someone.
hiii! im karyn im turnin 21 in feb & im headin to ibiza for the summer in may with my mate karl - totally ****tin it about not gettin a job! i loved playa d'en bossa when i was there last year but theres way more chance of a job in san - where you guys all plannin on stayin? have any of you got accommodation sorted yet? if anyone is interested in sharin a place with a guy and girl from northern ireland please please please get in touch!! ive read a few comments from people lookin to get loadsa people for a villa - sounds sweet as! get in touch guys! email - cgray07@qub.ac.uk bebo: http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=312010541
hey, i am going to try and find a job in playa den bossa/ibiza town, i want to live in playa, but most people are staying in san an, when are u going out
apartment share

hi how u doing? Coming to ibiza around the time you have booked your apartment, Would love to share with u as i am also loking for work all summer 2007. Please e mail me if u think we could hook up gordon. Gordontruscott@yahoo.co.uk8)
Hey All,

Just booked apartment in San for 2 weeks from 25th May!!!..hoping that will give me time to find a job etc!!.. Cant wait!...let the madness begin :)

Im a 23 year old chick from Glasgow, going on my own. If anyone is looking for a bed around that time let me know :)

hey pacha get in touch...am mich from glasgow and me and my friend are looking to go out end of june till end of august, think my mate is staying longer though...also from glasgow and probably know you if you're an arches chick!! :)