God there is so much to see, best thing to do is get a map and drive around the Island, then work out on the map where you are (so you can revisit), seriously the best thing about Ibiza and exploring is just that, explore - its got a wealth of things to see from the North to the South, East to the West, some beautiful coastlines on the east and the North - rural and mostly unspoilt, private little beaches to chill, watch sunsets/sunrises (depending on what side your on), fabulous little local restaurants you just happen upon (and unfortunately in my case, never found again!!), I have taken so much advice for sightseeing in Ibiza, and probably used a bit of it but actually found places that I wasn't expecting to find and places I was expecting to find but from a completely different direction..... there are loads of helpful tips on this sight so it should give you a heads up on what you want to look for (especially if you are only there for a week.) Just explore - best advice I would give.... you wont be disappointed!