Anyone up for partying?


New Member
Hi:) doing my first season in San Antonio but finding it hard to meet people as my colleagues are not the going out type..
I’m in Ibiza and my friend is leaving tonight so I’ll be alone looking to go out was considering foam party at amnesia but I’m not totally committed to it if u want to meet up just send me a message
Hey, I'll be based in San Antonio 25th - 1st. Planning to explore all over the island, I've got a thread on here with some party plans, but generally I'm going to see what comes along. If you are wanting to come along or have something in mind, give me a shout.
as a worker girl u shouldnt struggle to find people
eg 1 girl was on my whastapp group for opening but left it quickly, the kind of girl that succeed to be on backstage ushuaia event even not,knowing a lot of people, but plastic shape helps :D

if u want some Closing parties (NO EDM) from sept 26th, the Pirate is the answer:p just drop PM with phone number for whatsapp...& text me 1 night, as ill be so busy to remind of this post :spank:
trying to make pack for parties ill do ....more difficult than expected...4 was the max :rolleyes: with people from here...7-10 with former mates at Destino Sven :cool:
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