Anyone on a detox...?


Active Member
Not a particularly boozy Christmas, but definite intentions of staying of the liquor for a month or two. In fact would like to abstain more or less for good. Get really annoyed with myself when any semblance of a hangover interferes with my running.

Anyone else starting the year booze free?
I'm definately going to try doing as much of January alcohol free if possible. I'm hoping that if I can do it for the whole month the rest of the year will follow suit. The odd glass of wine here or there I won't mind - I'm just trying to cut down the amount of times I end up in town completely smashed pissing £££ down the drain when I could be spending it on something meaningful and useful.

Good luck with it :)
Yep, I'm on the wagon. Definitely all of Jan, but I'm going to try to hold out til after the London Marathon on April 13th. I only got home from Ibiza 3 months ago, it feels like an eternity. Will take some doing.
Seems my 15-month body-and-mind detox has had some surprising results. Fully intended to have a few over Xmas/NY but in the end didn't fancy it. Even though I ended the official 'drought' on Christmas Eve.

I did toast the good health and fortune of Nigella Lawson by downing a couple of her Xmas cocktails on Boxing Day whilst preparing the lunch (needed something with 'thankfully now rare "in-law presence" !!!!). But skipped the lot at Xmas & New Year too and didn't miss it at all. So into 2014 and I still don't seem to want alcohol. Be interesting to see if I fancy it next time I get out into the Mediterranean sun. Suspect the likelihood is that I'll happily down a few :)
I went crazy over Xmas and stopped drinking alcohol on 27th, although had 3 beers New Year's Eve just didn't fancy it.
Looking forward to more active weekends this year I want to do a run called the beast(similar to tough mudder) so need to keep training and not boozing till I go to Dublin in April.
I never ever go straight into any detox regime, Its got fail written all over it.

Always ease myself in and never start a strict routine till past mid Jan when all the sh1te food has finally gone from chez diver.

Then its game on. Starting a new routine at gym today so that's enough for starters.
yeah im not setting myself up to fail so not cutting anything out completely but will have no binges of any sort for as long as possible
Hope thats a planned decision and not a knee jerk reaction to a big session because if it was , it must have been one hell of a hangover!

Nah, it's planned. I did it for the same length of time a few years ago. Part of trying to get my self healthier and my head sorted for a summer of craziness.
Detox? That's why we have livers and kidneys ;)
Well I will be detoxing from Monday when I go and stay with my sister for a few months. No alcohol in the week, no naughty substances and no cigs - It's definitely needed though. Decemeber in ibiza has been immense but ive also drank everyday and gone out maybe all bar 3 days since the beginning of December, and well Flower Power festival on Saturday just got silly!

Anyhow, on that note, im off to the pub! Afterall the detox doesnt start till Monday does it?! ;)