Anyone Need A Place To Crash ~ First Week of June


New Member
Hey all,

We are staying at the Torrent Bay Club from June 3rd - 10th and we have some space open if anyone needs a place to crash. We're a group of 2 guys/girls from the states. Alll Ibiza virgins as well. Hit us up if you'd like to party with us. 8)
hey duke,where you gonna stay???i will also arrive at this date and got no flat since now.but i want to stay for the season and i´m looking for a chance to sleep in the first nights.

best regards chris from germany
Hey Pattern,

Its a timeshare so I believe it will be mostly families where we're staying. Im thinking it'll be pretty quiet, and if anything will be the ones causing the ruckus.

Here is where we are staying:

Torrent Bay Club Apartments, in PORT DES TORRENT

