Anyone more August workers?!?


New Member
I'm heading over to Ibiza at the begining of the second week of august to hopefully find a job and accommodation and stay out for the duration. I did the season 2002 and remember a fair few workers heading home around august time due to minimal funds and maximum partying (me being one of them!) so some jobs become available again, it's just a question of knowing where to look. Friends are all stuck in jobs here so I'm going solo this year so anyone heading out around the same and is going be looking for work and apartment share or just wants to meet up get in touch with me at

Get in touch now before it's too late...!
hi guys, im looking to go out bout end july/aug it will be my first time in ibiza and want to stay 4 a bit check it out have some fun and do the real deal next year, so would be good to no some others r going out solo and maybe meet up,

any helpfull hints or wanting to meet mail me,
Me and a friend are heading out in the first week of August. We are planning on getting accomodation for 3 days first and then have a look once we arrive. Has anyone stayed at either hostal Cervantes or Norte before? What are they like?