Anyone know this guy??


Well-Known Member

He's always around , DC10 or BoraBora. Anyone spoken to him or know his story? People seem to like having their photo taken with him for some reason , he looks abit different because i think he may have learning difficulties or something.
Like I said , people seem to like getting their photo taken with him cos he looks abit different. Any veterans know anything about him?

He's always around , DC10 or BoraBora. Anyone spoken to him or know his story? People seem to like having their photo taken with him for some reason , he looks abit different because i think he may have learning difficulties or something.

isn't that saddam
He looks like Leo Sayer if he had fallen on hard times.

Saying that if you were going to be a Hobo then Ibiza must be the best place to be one. Nice and warm, wasted people droping stuff all over the place, wasted people who have taken to much E getting all "lets give some love to the homeless". Certainly beats here in Norway where its freezing and everyone stares at their shoes all the time when walking about.
He's still around and apparently has the nickname Firestarter??? Any ideas how that came around? He was at dc10 along with diddy the other week looking at some photo's