anyone know of good forums related to chillout music?


Well-Known Member
Im not talking about the crap you can buy in Tesco's bargain bucket.


More the kind of thing you'll find Chris Coco playing in the early hours at the weekend on the Blueroom. Wanna try and build up a little collection of obscure tracks (much like I use forums like this to pick up on new house music)

Assistance appreciated people...
:D Hehe, a fellow Blue Room fan! I presume you have the two compilations they've released so far - The Blue Room & Blue Balearic?? Think there's also a dub one out this summer. 8)

A couple of chilled albums well worth checking out from last year (that many won't have heard of):-

Rainstick Orchestra - The Floating Glass Key in the Sky
Husky Rescue - Country Falls
No to be honest I dont have any albums but I've a shitload of Blue Room mixes. Theres nothing better than waking up early on a Sunday, "chillin" out till about 7am then going back to sleep till lunchtime :D
psicoprata - thats precisely the kind of thing im looking for, looks pretty active too :D

Urgh, I wanna spend my weekend downloading now :D But im seeing a bird tonight (meet the folks 8O ) going to the football tomorrow, and spending Sunday with my bro. Goddamit.
Hey Johnny, spent that best part of half an hour reading through your various reviews. Pretty good stuff in there, you get publsihed in print before? I've related to most reviews I've read!
Glad you like the reviews. :oops: Did you see my e-mail interview with Rob Da Bank?

Never tried getting them in print before. The site's just a hobby - with the bonus of getting loads of free, upfront CDs. ;)
i know a guy thats trying to get a mag started up here in scotland, could put you in touch if you like, he's kinda the same but with films!
check out "pathaan's musical rickshaw" show on BBC Asian Network - some wicked chilled stuff on there

blue room RIP :( - replaced by the trophy twats - what WERE R1 thinking? 8O