Anyone have any experience on how to go about selling legally on the beach or market?


New Member

As I said in the title... I was wondering wether anyone had any experience in selling legally on the beach or in any of the markets? I've looked all over the internet but not found much advise :/ I know loads of people do face painting and selling bits and bobs but I'm guessing this is mostly illegal? Does anyone know what exactly happens if you get caught...? It's not something I want to do full time, just something to make a little bit of extra cash in between paydays :)

Hope someone can help,

as far as I know, you cannot sell anything legally on the beach without a license and a permanent venue. all those flying vendors are illegal.
I know lots of people who do and have done it. You be street smart, avoid police and hope for a bit of luck. I've had friends questioned about tickets and the common thing to say is 'I found them and was asking these people if they knew what they were for'
The hippy markets require you to apply before the summer, so for next year you'll need to apply this year. They claim to be quite picky but I've seen plenty of fake raybans and other cheap tat on them.

You have to apply to the council for street stalls.