Anyone Hav Spare Room For Summer 2006?!


New Member
Hiya, im currently sorting myself out to go to ibiza for the summer from june time to october to work and party! But as am planning it on my own want to be staying with some decent lads and lasses that are up for a laugh!

If anyone has spare rooms or accommodation, or even knows someone going would be class if you could get back to me.

Im 19, been to ibiza for past 3 years holiday so know wat its about. If anyone can help me email me at (2 _'s between richard n dobson)


Most people sort out accommodation when they get there. There's plenty, no need to worry. Are you staying in San An? There'll be loads of notices in the Ship about that. We rented last year from Ibiza property shop. If they're any worse than the rest I don't know, but they can be... um... "not so serviceminded". But if you arrive in June you don't have to contact any company at all. There are people moving out of apartments all the time, so the others will always try to find new ones.