Anyone going to find dance work?


New Member

I'm planning to get work dancing in ibiza this season. anyone else hoping to do this? would be good to have a friend to go round the clubs with to try and get work - this is what i've been told need to do. Also if you need somone to share accommodation with that would be fab too - i'll prob be going out 2nd week of may.

I've just read yor message and I was wondering if you know something about dancing in clubs in Ibiza, for instance how much you get paid, how many hours a shift is, etc. A friend of mine aked me to go with her to work, but I don't want to work during the day because I can't enjoy the nightlife... and I don't wanna work too much either. I love dancing and I thought I could do that as a job, but I've never done it before and I haven't got a clue about what It's involved:eek: . I went to Ibiza 2 years ago and I loved it. It was crazy!!! I'm still thinking what to do, but I'm very tempted and if I decided to go It could be great to meet up and help each other...I'm italian but I've lived in London for 6 years, and my friend is brasilian. keep in touch;)
Hi there!

From what I’ve been told so far, is that if you want dance work, you need to get to Ibiza early to mid May and go ‘networking’ round the various clubs. Try and get auditions, so they can see how you move etc. How exactly the auditions work I don’t know. The person who told me all this did a few nights at the end of the season. He hadn’t worked as a dancer before, but had a friend who had been out there for 6 seasons dancing. So I don’t think you necessarily need to have worked as a dancer before, if they like the way you move and how you look etc. (Or if you have friends in the right places!) However, I think things like a CV and photos can be helpful.

He said one of the nights he worked – he was on duty for about 6 hours – you don’t dance the whole time, but are on rotation with other dancers – so you do about half hour on and then rest. He got paid 100 Euros for that night. It sounds like you either get employed by one club to do several of their nights or you do different nights at different clubs. So the terms of employment and pay probably vary but that’s a rough guide. I’m in London too, so if you want to meet up let me know.

Hi Kiki,
thanks for your tips. I've finally decided to go! My friend is coming, too, so It seems like things are working out the right way:D !
I'm so fed up with my job that I really need a break, even though It's going to be hard coming back to London without a job...
I'm still thinking about getting a dancing job, though. People told me I dance very well and I can intimidate guys:eek: , but I need to be in the right state of mind, if you know what I mean, and I'm a little shy at first, so I think I'll have to look for something in PR or in bars, maybe.
Of course we could meet up, the more the better! If you are still interested my email is