Anyone Else Work With Fools?


Well-Known Member
Two bits of my working life recently:

Client: Why aren't you at our meeting?
Me: What meeting?
Client: The weekly production meeting....
Me: The one you rang me about a two weeks ago to say was cancelled because you were going fortnightly? The one we had last week, so the next one would be a fortnight away i.e. next week?
Client: It was in the minutes of last week's meeting.
Me: I haven't recieved them?
Client: Yeah, we haven't sent them out yet...
Me: Right....and how was the change in the minutes of the meeting, when it wasn't discussed?
Client: We added it in for information purposes.
Me: So you'd like to know why I haven't acted on information you didn't give me at the meeting, but added after, to minutes you've failed to send out?
Client:.....well......well we've all turned up!
Me: "...................."

Me: Why are you deducting these council fines from our payment?

Him: Because you haven't been doing 'x' properly and that's why the council are fining us.

Me: We don't do 'x', your 'x' department does it. Badly.

Him: We don't have an 'x' department.

Me: Yes you do, they are on the floor above this one - there's about 100 staff there. You included the head of 'x' in your mail to me.

Him: Really? I've always wondered what he did...
LMFAO :lol:

I think we all work with some sort of numpty, makes you wonder how the hell they got the job in the first place :rolleyes:
my "fools" are all middle management ...... and dont even get me started on the way they try to speak to some people - absolutely shocking!! (except to me - they're all scared of me.. and I like to keep it that way. :D:D)

they're almost at the "dont you know who I am" reason for giving them a slap :spank:
my "fools" are all middle management ...... and dont even get me started on the way they try to speak to some people - absolutely shocking!! (except to me - they're all scared of me.. and I like to keep it that way. :D:D)

they're almost at the "dont you know who I am" reason for giving them a slap :spank:


Cannot agree more :rolleyes: they will learn in time, just means we have to put up with the twats until they grow out of that 'up themselves' stage.

Saying that though, my current boss is an absolute d*ck who thinks the sun shines out of his arse and hes absolutely amazing at his job, when the reality is.....he isnt :spank:
my 'fools' are media clients who say things like

"we want it bigger but smaller you know?"
"under stated but saying alot"

and the classic ,
client:"yeah we dont really know what we want, so can you do all the options then we'll choose"
us: " so obviously we'll need more time / money to do all that seeing as that wasnt in the quote or schedule and you've totally changed your minds about the whole basis of the job"
client " actually we have to present to our client a week earlier as they're on holiday after that"
us: (bang heads on desks)

this sums up the idiocy in my profession perfectly:
always get **** down and confirmed in an email. timings, costs especially.

There no fecking comeback when a deadlines looming and some idiot has left it till the last minute, and tries to blame it onto you.

there will always be one smart arse trying to save their own hide because they've left stuff till the last min and expect you to pull them out of the flaming pit of P45's.

By the sounds of things being efficient is becoming a lost art. :rolleyes:

timings, costs , delivery dates , briefs , all in writing...all get changed....all the time.
thats half the reason i went freelance so i dont have to deal with all these ridiculous politics
Try dealing with the USA government

Veterans administration(VA): Oh yes we owe you $26,000

Me: When can I expect payment?

VA: The payment will be sent electronically within 15 days of the notification letter

Me: It has been 45 days since I received the letter, I waited 30 days before I called the first time

VA: Well it normally takes 15 days to send out payments, we will send a letter to that department.

Me: well is has been 15 days sent you said you would send a letter, can I talk to someone in that department?

VA: Do you know you will get back paid any money due?

Me: When can I expect any payment?

VA: The payment is normally sent out 15 days from notification letter.:evil::evil::evil::evil:

These are evil government workers who don't give a sh1t if they owe you money, but if you owe them money you have to pay within 30 days
My week:

Sunday (working day here).

Customer: We've had a request from one of our customers for 50,000 units of product X, but need 10% discount to close the deal.

Me: OK, is this incremental volume to the normal run rate, or will they sit on it for 6 Months meaning no real gain for us.

Customer: It's a one off order at the moment but they think they can repeat it each quarter, and they don't normally take much of your product from us so we see it as new business.

Me: OK that suits us for our year end, let me run the numbers and come back to you.... [30 minutes].....OK, got the price for you but it must be delivered this Month so I need your order in the next 48 hours.

(Our FD is pretty happy as this order, worth around $400k, could make a big difference to year end).

Customer: Yep, on it, you'll get the order today.

Monday: My order guy tells me nothing is received so I call them to chase the order and am told it will be placed that afternoon.

Tuesday: My order guy tells me STILL nothing is received so I call again only to be told they have a systems problem and can't place orders.

Wednesday: Still no order and they're not answering calls.

Today: Get a call from the customer's MD asking for a high level meeting on Sunday to discuss our ongoing business relationship (I think they are going to go pop).


I'm sure half the people i work with were literally pulled off the street and just dumped on a chair and asked to work.

We received a refund from a supplier just before xmas for £250,000 which is sat in our bank account. I've been passing invoices which need paying to the above supplier to our accounts team since the new year expecting them to pay the supplier using the money they initially refunded to us.

Instead of actually paying the supplier she has just been offsetting the invoices against the £250,000. When the total of our invoices surpasses the £250K mark then she says she will start paying the supplier, until then there is nothing to worry about.

The money is in OUR account, not theirs... :rolleyes:
This is a little off the main thread but kind of relates....

The boyfriend sends me a bbm and i can tell hes annoyed by the 'arghhhh ffs'.
I ask whats up...he then says....

' I had 20 red roses coming to you today but just had a F**kin e-mail to say they wont get delivered until tomoz :evil:'

Tomoz would of been the 15th of February :spank:

He was not impressed at all, yet when my bf rang the company up, the bloke on the phone was saying there has been an issue with their system and we cant send anything out till tomoz, THEN said 'sir you put the 15th'....The BF now furious, esp at the fact he tried to make out he was a stupid tw*t, replied with 'Mate i know i can be a mong at time, but why the h*ll would i put the 15th when they were designed for Valentines day :evil:'

A) The company e-mailed him - not everyone gets e-mails on their phones or is by a pc, so bl**dy ring your customers.

B) Thats one big major f**k up if you are a florist seeing Valentines must be your biggest day, obviously they employ numptys.

C) To then blame your customer but blame them with something thats not true.

Either way i didnt get the roses and i told the bf to get his money back as im sure they cost a fortune and spending a stupid amount of roses imo can never be justified...

and before anyone says it, ive already had the 'ooooooooooo was that his excuse ;)' from the lads in the office :lol:
Try dealing with the USA government

Veterans administration(VA): Oh yes we owe you $26,000

Me: When can I expect payment?

VA: The payment will be sent electronically within 15 days of the notification letter

Me: It has been 45 days since I received the letter, I waited 30 days before I called the first time

VA: Well it normally takes 15 days to send out payments, we will send a letter to that department.

Me: well is has been 15 days sent you said you would send a letter, can I talk to someone in that department?

VA: Do you know you will get back paid any money due?

Me: When can I expect any payment?

VA: The payment is normally sent out 15 days from notification letter.:evil::evil::evil::evil:

These are evil government workers who don't give a sh1t if they owe you money, but if you owe them money you have to pay within 30 days

just as inept as the UK Government - "sorry - that's not my Department - please ring this number xxxxxxxx"

"can you just transfer me to that number please?"

Sorry - we cant do transfers to different offices madam, just to internal phones"

"really? have you tried using "9" to get an outside line first?"

Silence....(or muttered conversation in background) "one moment - transferring you now

Remind me why we employ idiots in this country and we are slowly going down the swanny??