anyone else had an email to be on TV in Ibiza?


New Member
I got this in my inbox from spotlight forums... anyone else got this? I cant hink of anything worse than being filmed being drunk in ibiza.. is anyone considering it?>?? :?

Hi, I' m Esteban a tv journalist from Spain and I work for a tv documentary show called 21 days ( We are going to make a special "21 days" of the openning season in Ibiza and we would like to get in touch with people that's going to be there from late may to half june.
We fancy to have a good time knowing and sharing some time with new friends: sun, partys and drinks .

Would you like to participate? I'll write you back and explain more of the show.

Thanks, Esteban.
I talked to someone else that got the mail and they seemed pretty excited about it. Asked me if I was interested too. But when I get down in Ibiza, there are usually things goin on that I don't necessarily want a record of...HAHA!! Know what I mean?
My other half was approached by a bloke in Amnesia claiming to be doing this last September and he took email add etc but judging by the fact he was doing it to loads of people (young women)i just assumed he was a pervert.
load of rubbish.don;t reply or even give your email to people like this.t. v crews will just film as it is.apart from asking you if its ok.and getting permission from bars or clubs to film there.
HAHAHA dont worry anyone i am not interested in the slightest i just wanted to check if they sent the email out in mass?

I can just imagine watching TV one night with my fiance and on flashes the screen me dancing in my pants on a beach with a bottle of southern comfort in my hand HAHAHHAHAHA i would be banned from going back :lol:

Holidays are for letting loose and enjoying yourself.... not having it captured for all to see.
