anyone comming to ibiza 1 week june


New Member
is there anyone flying out to ibiza first week of june to work. my mates pulled out and would rather go with somebody. let me know if you are and we can arrange to get the same flight.
June 01

ya allready booked flights and acc for da first week in june in da brisa appartments wit a mate but hes goin home after da week is out so we could both look for jobs and permanent acc togeather f ur up for it!!

goes from da first to da 7th, but as soon as i find permanent acc im outa der. have u booked any yet r are ya hopein to go straight into permanent acc?
Where bouts ya from?
im flying out on the 6th june, im from gibraltar.... if u give me ure number i can give ya a buzz wheni get there and we can llok for accom. i will be booking acc for a week. would be good to get a villa with a ffew peeps
dont have a spanish sim yet, might wait til i get der to get one. if ya wanna e-mail me its and when i arrive il give ya my number.
wheres gibraltar?
ya would be mental to get a villa, weel c wats on offer wen we arrive!
hi guys let me know if you need two more to share with :)

will be in the San An area from 4th may :)


hello visha

im a 26-year-old spanish guy moving in on the same date, beginning of June. We may share accommodation for the first 2 weeks, i have found rooms in sant antoni for 24 euros to split into 2 but i havent booked anything yet. I will travel by sea so i am very flexible on my dates, but must be beguinning of june

let me know if u are interested.bye
hi segio - whats ure mobile number and i will get in touch - im from gibraltar..... we can arrange and get a hotel for fiorst two weeks bf we get some per accom. let me know.
