Anybody used Van2Ibiza?


Active Member
I'm going to be in Ibiza for the next year :D at least and that means I'm going to be taking rather more than my easyJet baggage allowance. I've looked at regualr shipping and it costs an arm and a leg, often twice as much as it does to get stuff to mainland Spain.

Anyway, I saw an ad for Van2Ibiza in the Ibiza Sun today. Good thing from my point of view is that they're in Manchester which is just a few hour's drive from Edinburgh where I live. So I could take a car load down and get them to take it over.

But before I hand over my precious possessions to some blokes with a van, I'd be interested to hear from anybody who knows or has used them. Thanks.
I know of him. His name is Carl and he is always backwards and forwards to Ibiza. He is the brother of a friend of mine. That is all I know about him.

Sorry this is all the info I have. I could ask my friend but she is in the UK at the moment.
Thanks for that. If he's back and forth regularly that should mean he's fairly legit. After all anybody could get hold of a van and put a few ads in the papers....