Anybody going around the end of May??

Hey Pete!

Im hoping to head out anytime from the 21st may to 1st june. was meant to be wiv a bud but they seem to be pulling out! So im gona be on my jack jones wiv no place to stay and job hunting!!
Give me a holler at if you wana talk more!

Muchio respectio! 8)
hi guys!! im headin out 5th june (in time for space opening woohooo!!)
loadsa mates already out there but no room in app for me cos im goin out after if anyone wants to share somewhere let me know!! well into my clubbin and well up for a mental time!!! :p
laura x

Hey y'all!!!!!!!!!!
Am going to ibiza next week and have not got a job and have not got a place to stay and might be going alone so if any of y'all wanna hook up and go thru it 2gether holla at me on
:D :D :D :D :D