Any recommdations for an apartment to rent in San Antonio?


New Member

My girlfriend and I are coming over to the magical isle on the 25th August and we are looking got an apartment to rent for a week. This is my 9th time to Ibiza (also worked\lived there in 02') so I know my way about (ish!) ha!

Ideally an apartment near Kanya or up in the bay near kamaharas would be best. I would much prefer A\C. The prices just seem to be SOOOO high compared to what I remember...

Was thinking of El Moro - is that place still going? I just remember there was problems with break-ins as there is no security and also no A\C.

Last year a few friends and I stayed at some apartments complex right next to kamahras - was VERY nice. Anyone know the name of these apt's?

I hope someone can help. :)


Whey Protein