Any boxers?


Active Member
Does/has anyone on here box(ed)?

I'm looking to get into boxing (now 24), with a view to learn the techniques and skills, as well as brush up on my conditioning work. As a personal trainer I do enough strength work in my own time, and thought it would add another dimension to my training skills if I took up boxing.

If, God fordbid I had any talent, I wouldn't mind eventually stepping in the ring (that's a big IF).

What will I get out of it? Is it worth it?
There isn't many sports I haven't tried at some point and I would say proper boxing training in a boxing club was THE most physically intense thing I've ever done. They properly beast you.
Aye it is "something else" no matter how fit you are/feel. Really strange getting in to the ring to spar the first time, and how much energy it actually takes is incredible but when you get used to it it's a buzz like no other I've ever felt when knocking lumps out of each other :lol:
I ended up with a broken rib and work hasn't allowed me to get back in to it properly since because of the times my club train :( I lost over 2 stone in 3 months and was fit as I've ever been when I was training 3 times a week. I say go for it, if only for the experience. Wish I didn't have weak ribs I would of happily gone in to an amateur bout with the right amount of training.
I would say though, look at a few gyms first and find one you think you would fit in nicely with before training at one. Can be some right nob heads who just like knocking lumps out of people and you don't wanna get in the ring with them trust me :D
Give it a go and make sure you can skip well ... it'll be a huge part of your training programme (I hate it). Ever thought of MMA instead ? Far more interesting and just as exhausting. Hally does it several times a week (not sure if he does cage fighting too - didn't dare ask :lol: :spank:). I've only ever done Karate and Muay Thai, both in my 20s. Liked the Muay Thai more but your knees can take a real hammering and I'm too old and sensible for all that nowadays.
^ ^
Could have been a contender,right?
Nah, the enthusiasm was there the skill was definitely not :lol:
Skipping was brutal, as Kimajy says get on the rope it's hard on the hamstrings at first and pretty boring but you can learn routines from the net to keep it interesting and also time it at 3 minute sessions as you would when sparring.
Ever thought of MMA instead ?
I would give MMA a go. A great sport, an amazing workout and you tend to get a broader range of people in an MMA gym than most boxing gyms (and often they are friendlier places).. You might also find that you love one aspect (such as BJJ) and then can always just go with that if you don't like the rest of it. <br>
Where abouts in London are you based?

Just thought of another advantage to MMA - you don't get punched in the face all the time. I love to box but don't miss constantly getting hit in the head so much.
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Where abouts in London are you based?

Just thought of another advantage to MMA - you don't get punched in the face all the time. I love to box but don't miss constantly getting hit in the head so much.

Looking into MMA - I'm from Surrey/SW London. There's a club called Nova Forca that is driveable, so may look into that in the NY.