any americans here working in ibiza?


New Member
I have two PR offers and a place to stay through one of them so I'm not too concerned about work.
I'm probably flying from NYC on May 22.

Any recommendations for an American other than I do not not speak too much Spanish (but hope to pick it up when I'm there).

I'm 85% going.

Reply here if you have advice for an American.

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I have two PR offers and a place to stay through one of them so I'm not too concerned about work.
I'm probably flying from NYC on May 22.

Any recommendations for an American other than I do not not speak too much Spanish (but hope to pick it up when I'm there).

I'm 85% going.

Reply here if you have advice for an American.


I met a guy from California working last summer, he was the only one I met though. very nice guy stopped to talk to me when I was locked out my apartment at about 6am one morning and we sat and chatted and listened to music for hours on the floor. Bit off point anyway....he said he didnt know any other americans working but was having a great time living with a group of irish and english lads.

I dont think its any different for an american as long as your happy being with a lot of british people (seeing as you dont speak spanish!!), obviously flights home if it doesnt work out are a bit more expensive but thats about it! :D