Any advice on some good first or last techno tracks for a live set?


Well-Known Member
Been asked by a mate who runs his own night based around house dub garage etc to go along in June and do a set for him.
I'm a bit nervous as only played at home or his so already got a few tracks that will suit his night and crowd. I'm thinking already my finishing tune could be orphan by rocco Caine as I love it so much and it seems to finish my house sessions nicely. Could be wrong though lol.
Set will be vinyl only as never learned cdj's I like the feel of playing not the effects etc and pappa Sven in my inspiration ie if it's good enough for him it's good enough for me ;)
I will be buying new wax obviously to compliment my own but if anyone can point me in the direction of what they like to hear that'd be nice.
I normally buy what I like and not much in the way of tracks between tracks to make a set as never played out.
Also if you've read this much any advise on the nerves? I'm ready shitting it :D
But as long as I mix well and build the tempo nicely I'll be happy with that.
Guess it depends on whether you're taking over in which case consult with whoever's on before, to get the right mood. If you want to start your set from scratch then let them play out before unleashing a 45 second spinback. Then maybe tease in something beatless that they wouldn't expect, eg carl craig a wonderful life, adds some suspense and take it from there. then at end finish with a classic banger eg hardfloor acperience or some derrick may.
agree with the above - heavily depends on what has been played just before you (or if you're opening up). a nice tune to start if you're opening is tommie nevada's meeting at the cornfields for example. or if you take over from someone then maybe guy j's fixation, but again, heavily depends on what came earlier. and i'd always end with a classic. hale bopp anyone?
Never plan your set tune by tune be it first or last . Read the situation, that is all.

thats from experience , the dj that looks down at his next record all the time and goes through the motions is the one not connecting with whats in front of the decks. Mixing should be last thing on your mind , keeping the party at the right level = paramount
good advice above ,depending on whats going on playing an intro / breaking it up is best way to settle nerves for you but in many cases not best thing for a party. An intro focus's everyone on you...
Guess it depends on whether you're taking over in which case consult with whoever's on before, to get the right mood. If you want to start your set from scratch then let them play out before unleashing a 45 second spinback. Then maybe tease in something beatless that they wouldn't expect, eg carl craig a wonderful life, adds some suspense and take it from there. then at end finish with a classic banger eg hardfloor acperience or some derrick may.

Is the 45 second spin back being serious?
I'm not gonna plan track by track but I love Svens way of a nice melodic start from silence and as it builds it drops etc think I'll start from silence. Also has to be available on vinyl, might start with Carl Craig at les as that builds nicely and is mix able with lots of techno. Guess I just want it to build nicely but it's so much easier listening spannered then it is playing :D
Thanks for the advice all appreciated.
I'm not gonna plan track by track but I love Svens way of a nice melodic start from silence and as it builds it drops etc think I'll start from silence. Also has to be available on vinyl, might start with Carl Craig at les as that builds nicely and is mix able with lots of techno. Guess I just want it to build nicely but it's so much easier listening spannered then it is playing :D
Thanks for the advice all appreciated.

Recondite - equilibrium :)