anthea goes boom.... very funny

The Producer and Director were both held personally responsible for this big co*ck up, particularly the Director who moved to America and hasn't worked in the industry since! Anthea has bad scars on her neck from this accident and so she never has her hair any shorter than shoulder length, pirotechnics are dangerous stuff to work with and this went out live on a kids morning tv show!
sh*t. i've just been thrown into a new world of 'anthea turner in tights part 1' etc. what the f*ck is that all about.
Didn't this happen at least +10 years ago and has since featured on every bloopers tv show and 'owned' compilation on youtube?:confused:
And I can't really see what's funny about somebody obviously getting hurt.

Maybe I should get out more.

Zebo, a half blind five year old african orphan, has to ride 7 miles a day to school with only one leg on a bicycle with buckled wheels and no brakes.

Just give a small donation of two pounds and we will send you the video.

It's fcuking hilarious.
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Rumour has it, it was Islamic fundamentalist who blew Anthea turner up because she made a doll of Mohammed on Blue peter and it pissed them off, so they put a Jihad on her.....