An Idiot Abroad


Active Member
Heard about this manier times but never actually caught it on the telly...

Was up at the BF's parents house at the weekend and both my BF and his mum were raving about it, so when we got back home we decided to crack open the vino and stick the DVD on....

OMG I have never cried so much with laughter in my whole life :D worrying thing is some of the points Karl says are actually quite valid lol

Surprised he hasnt killed the tourist industry / trade to all the countrys he visited :lol:

My hate goes off to him thats for sure 8)
Heard about this manier times but never actually caught it on the telly...

Is this meant to be 'many a time' Vic?

(I'm not taking the p1ss - we've all got a phrase or song lyric wrong for years before someone's pointed it out:lol:. I always thought the the other lyric in Moby's 'Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad' said 'eaaaaars, nose and throat, eaaaars, nose and throat':lol:)
Is this meant to be 'many a time' Vic?

(I'm not taking the p1ss - we've all got a phrase or song lyric wrong for years before someone's pointed it out:lol:. I always thought the the other lyric in Moby's 'Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad' said 'eaaaaars, nose and throat, eaaaars, nose and throat':lol:)

It is too early in the USA to laugh this hard:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Have a friend we call Mrs Maloprop - love her to bits but she insists on referring to brasseries as braziers amongst many others. Every time I go out with her I end up having to be helped up...
Thats it lads, carry on :lol:

Really shot myself in the foot with this one didnt i lol...i did maybe think someone would of once *vicky is now consciousely watching her grammar and spelling and probably still failing ;)* done a thread on this programme in the past 8)
Thats it lads, carry on :lol:

Really shot myself in the foot with this one didnt i lol...i did maybe think someone would of once *vicky is now consciousely watching her grammar and spelling and probably still failing ;)* done a thread on this programme in the past 8)

They say laughter is the best medicine - feeling great this morning :)8) Mind you the sun's out again and that always helps too 8)8)
Thats it lads, carry on :lol:

Really shot myself in the foot with this one didnt i lol...i did maybe think someone would of once *vicky is now consciousely watching her grammar and spelling and probably still failing ;)* done a thread on this programme in the past 8)

Must try harder, see me after...