An Idiot Abroad...

I saw the one in India, got the rest series linked. I personally cannot see how he could be so rude.

I really enjoyed Pilkington on the RG podcasts, but I think Idiot Abroad is slightly "sexed up" for tv

Entertaining, but not one of the best ever.
I wouldn't say best ever... But I do find it highly entertaining.

Episode 4 was last night, right? Chitzen Itza. Should be interesting. Will have to download it.

I thought Petra was the best one so far.
God i hope ricky is back on form cos anything he's done in the last 4 years has been piss poor (apart from radio where u dont have to see his smugmug)
God i hope ricky is back on form cos anything he's done in the last 4 years has been piss poor (apart from radio where u dont have to see his smugmug)

Have to agree with you sir, everything since the office has been s**t, and he is the smuggest man alive he needs a good slap.
best thing about idiot abroad is ricky isn't really in it! pilkington is funny in it though....
The wife was howling when I went in last week, she was watching this programme (Camels in the desert). I couldn't see anything funny at all, found it rather tiresome. Yet I can watch George and Mildred, Rising Damp etc etc and be creased up laughing while the wife gets quite cross!
Last nights episode was hilarious and i just love how dry he is. It is slightly cringeworthy and in some cases he does appear quite ignorant but that is what makes it so funny. Gervais & Merchant have played on it superbly and anyone with northern roots and family should find it funny and entertaining.
You get what the title suggests with this one.

He feel's that everywhere in the world should conform to his way of thinking and being....and everywhere should be a replica of suburban Manchester.
He feel's that everywhere in the world should conform to his way of thinking and being....and everywhere should be a replica of suburban Manchester.
For me, the most entertaining part is seeing the small steps forward in Karl's understanding of the world outside Manchester. There were moments of progress interspersed with his repulsion by things he can't quite fathom.
I used to like Ricky Gervais, but since I watched the first episode of the Ricky Gervais Show, I went right off him. Both him and Stephen Merchant came across as a couple of smug arseholes!

So, I deliberately didn't watch An Idiot Abroad. However, I watched the Mexico episode tonight, and I have to admit, it was really funny.

So many brilliant quotes, I found myself laughing all the way through it;

"It's, like, a thousand years old, but it still likes a Hob Nob!" (talking about a lizard)

"That's what the guide books don't show you, a sh**ty nappy whizzing about" (from next weeks Egypt episode).

I thought it would basically be him scoffing at the locals, and constantly trying to belittle other peoples culture and traditions. As it was, from what he said at the end of the programme he seemed to genuinely enjoy Mexico, and not so much the tourist 'tat', but the real people.

I agree it's probably not as funny as The Inbetweeners, but it's definitely a similar type of humour. I'll definitely be watching it again (in particular next week, as I've been to the Pyramids of Giza).
The inbetweeners funniest thing on the box at the moment. FACT.

Yeh, but that doesn't mean to say that 'An Idiot Abroad' isn't any good!

It's like saying 'Space' isn't as good as 'DC10'. Doesn't mean 'Space' is sh:eek:t

Sorry, but I can't resist an analogy, especially when I'm drunk!!!
I'm enjoying an Idiot abroad more than This series of the Inbetweeners.

I dunno, this series just isn't that good IMHO.