Amnesia VIP Tickets + Best place to buy them


New Member
Hi there,

This has probably been asked many times before but I can't seem to find it and i'm getting impatient because i'm hungry.

I was wondering if any ibiza regulars out there could tell me if there is any benefit in paying an extra 20euro to get VIP tickets for Amnesia. We are looking at a Cream night so we can see Calvin Harris in the Terrace in August. I read somewhere that VIP gets you onto a balcony (I assume this isn't a seated VIP with the extravagant tables etc - 1. i thought it would have been more expensive and 2. we don't want to be pretentious we want to get into the mosh pit of sweaty bodies and experience the 'real' Amnesia!!) Does the balcony overlook the Main room or the terrace or both as it's the Terrace that Calvin plays in.

(Quick question: do the DJs play their own hits etc for example if Calvin Harris plays will we here bounce, flashback etc. or will it be unrecognisable beats?)

Also are we better buying tickets before hand or can you get big discounts on tickets in Ibiza Town etc. or will they be sold out? (totally clueless?!)

Please help :oops:
Hi there,

This has probably been asked many times before but I can't seem to find it and i'm getting impatient because i'm hungry.

I was wondering if any ibiza regulars out there could tell me if there is any benefit in paying an extra 20euro to get VIP tickets for Amnesia. We are looking at a Cream night so we can see Calvin Harris in the Terrace in August. I read somewhere that VIP gets you onto a balcony (I assume this isn't a seated VIP with the extravagant tables etc - 1. i thought it would have been more expensive and 2. we don't want to be pretentious we want to get into the mosh pit of sweaty bodies and experience the 'real' Amnesia!!) Does the balcony overlook the Main room or the terrace or both as it's the Terrace that Calvin plays in.

(Quick question: do the DJs play their own hits etc for example if Calvin Harris plays will we here bounce, flashback etc. or will it be unrecognisable beats?)

Also are we better buying tickets before hand or can you get big discounts on tickets in Ibiza Town etc. or will they be sold out? (totally clueless?!)

Please help :oops:

The VIP only over looks the main room i believe (not 100% sure on this but cant recall seeing any over the terrace)
If you want to get amongst it then no need to bother with the VIP tickets anyway.

You wont find tickets any cheaper on the island than you do on here...unless you have to buy drinks etc to get a few euros off. If you definitely want to go to this night id buy them off here.

The DJ can play whatever they like, you may get the odd track of their own thrown in but that'll be all.
both the terrace and the main room have VIP balconies.

with the VIP access tickets available here you get access to the balconies. you won't find them anywhere cheaper than here. the only place you don't get access is the tables area - if you want to go there, you have to book a table directly at amnesia.

it's up to you if you want to spend the extra 20€, but it's definitely nice to be able to have a short break up there and see it all from above.
Hi there,

This has probably been asked many times before but I can't seem to find it and i'm getting impatient because i'm hungry.

I was wondering if any ibiza regulars out there could tell me if there is any benefit in paying an extra 20euro to get VIP tickets for Amnesia. We are looking at a Cream night so we can see Calvin Harris in the Terrace in August. I read somewhere that VIP gets you onto a balcony (I assume this isn't a seated VIP with the extravagant tables etc - 1. i thought it would have been more expensive and 2. we don't want to be pretentious we want to get into the mosh pit of sweaty bodies and experience the 'real' Amnesia!!) Does the balcony overlook the Main room or the terrace or both as it's the Terrace that Calvin plays in.

(Quick question: do the DJs play their own hits etc for example if Calvin Harris plays will we here bounce, flashback etc. or will it be unrecognisable beats?)

Also are we better buying tickets before hand or can you get big discounts on tickets in Ibiza Town etc. or will they be sold out? (totally clueless?!)

Please help :oops:

Yea there's VIP balconies in both the main room & terrace, and don't worry it's almost as busy on the balconies as the main room so it won't be all pretentious :).

Calvin's set will be a bit of everything but he'll always throw in a good couple of his songs :)
Theres a tiny section of balcony you can get to without VIP, so I dont think its really worth the extra 20 euros.. dont think there is a free balcony area in the main room though

Isnt it about time Amnesia built some sort of outdoor area, with seats etc... that would be quality - doesnt even have to play music, but somewhere with a few bars and seats! sometimes the chillout areas of clubs are the funniest places!
Theres a tiny section of balcony you can get to without VIP, so I dont think its really worth the extra 20 euros.. dont think there is a free balcony area in the main room though

Isnt it about time Amnesia built some sort of outdoor area, with seats etc... that would be quality - doesnt even have to play music, but somewhere with a few bars and seats! sometimes the chillout areas of clubs are the funniest places!

This couldn't be more wrong.

There is a massive area in the terrace that isn't tabled VIP and you can see most of the main room dance floor from upstairs in there as well. It's definitely worth the extra 20 Euros to go upstairs and as its your first time prepare to be absolutely gobsmacked with the whole place :D
Save your 20€ and get two more beers whilst there. If you want to be in the action then you dont need the balcony. If you want to see what the club looks like from up there just google image it.

Party away!
On a slighty different topic but still connected with amnesia.I read somewhere else someone saying they wish they would build an outdoor chill out area type thing. Now i've only been to amnesia the once back in 09 and that was before the smoking ban, what's the situation there now? No where to have a smoke ?
On a slighty different topic but still connected with amnesia.I read somewhere else someone saying they wish they would build an outdoor chill out area type thing. Now i've only been to amnesia the once back in 09 and that was before the smoking ban, what's the situation there now? No where to have a smoke ?

There is an area outside the front door
Thank you. Great advice.

We also want to go to es paradis fiesta del agua. Is it any good? is it worth it?

I saw pictures of a party during the day and night is this regular and if so which one is better to go to?

Cheers guys! x
This couldn't be more wrong.

There is a massive area in the terrace that isn't tabled VIP and you can see most of the main room dance floor from upstairs in there as well. It's definitely worth the extra 20 Euros to go upstairs and as its your first time prepare to be absolutely gobsmacked with the whole place :D

Yeah, you dont have to pay to go up the balcony if you go up the stairs at the back (near the entrance to the main room) from here there is a small section of balcony that is not VIP, and you dont have to pay to go up - so dont see the point in paying the extra to go up the actual VIP bits, you are at the back of the terrace but still get a good view!
@ amnesia virgins: the water party is during the night. there was one anniversary water party during the day once.

@ jim: yeah there is that small bit. but only on the terrace, not in the main room. and it's at the very far end of the terrace. you can't really compare this to the vip section with more space, both terrace and main room connected (without the hassle changing between rooms), separate bars and toilets and great views of the action and dj's...of course, the action happens down on the floor, but if anyone wants to go VIP, then the one at amnesia is one of the best ones IMO.
If was buying a ticket would defo pay the extra EUR20 to get up to the balcony especially for Cream. It's nice to have a breather from the main dancefloor which gets rammed and I love the view from up there too and can still have a good dance. Just remember any guys have to have long trousers ie no cut offs to get up there (unless it has changed in the past couple of years) my mates been caught out on that before 8)
Do i have to arrive 'till a special time for the cream vip tickets?e.G. 23:30?
Or can get there when i want to?
You could always get a nice table so you can sit down and relax for abit. I recommend it. Here was my view of the main room...

im going to cream this thursday.
but im just going to buy tickets on the island / at the door
whats the besty way.

ive been many times and normally just bought tickets in the hotel we stay in.
is there anywhere i can buy tickets in this way but with the VIP for amnesia ??