Amnesia closing - Space closing or Both B-)


Active Member
Hi all

The wife wants to go to the supermartxe/privilege closing on the Friday but it's a bit too pop for my liking so thinking of going but having a chilled night there (yes I know)

Then not too sure what to do on the Saturday / Sunday.

Normally After a heavy night out I am like a walking zombie that refuses to leave his cave...

I am Tempted to go to the Amnesia closing as we would like to see Gorgon City and Mar-T and would love to see it in the morning light.


Then on the Sunday we have the Space Closing...

A lot of people say you have to see the afternoon outside stage and I (again) would like to see the sun come up too.

We are more into our funky music than the dark tecky and think some if the music may be a but of a turn off.

So what dose everyone do???
Everyone else man's up and soldiers on :spank:.

When it comes to the supermartxe night what about going when it first opens? not meaning right on the dot of opening but if you go early and leave early, have a few hours there and head home for 4am say, your wife has had her night, home at reasonable time and hopefully not too written off for the next day / night?
I'm gonna take a guess that Gorgon City - being a more commercial act - will play earlier in the day than the underground acts who they'll leave later for the hardcore clubbers that stay to the bitter end. Mar-T was on about 6 in the morning last year, as the sun was just starting to shine through if memory serves me right (trust me, on this night it was a lil' hazy! ;) )

I reckon you could easily attend Amnesia - say 3am - 11am, catch a few hours disco nap back at your hotel and get to Space in plenty of time to experience the car park without feeling overly fatigued. Definitely.

The car park doesn't have as big a draw for me having experienced it many times before.

I'll (attempt to) be at Amnesia closing until close. Then (again "maybe"...) Gerber's RUMORS closing, then hit the hay for a few hours before rising at hitting Space 4am-ish. It's all about Coxy closing the terrace for me anyway!